“Hohoho my guy presided over increases in the cost of living, plunging significant numbers of people into literal starvation, and yet the idiots think this matters!” CAN THEY NOT HEAR THEMSELVES
Ho ho ho, a cheap staple food is increasingly unaffordable! I bet you ignorant pigs are happy Trump is in charge now!
If they’re blaming Trump for eggs i can’t even … It’s so exhausting how they can so smug while having no damn context. E fukin G how bird flus been ravaging our cattle and chicken ranches under biden’s watch
What is with that formatting I’ve seen it a few times
It’s code formatting, you can use it with the <> button or by typing between two `
Liberals and dems have decided they’d rather spend 4 years blaming minorities and poor people for Trump’s victory then turning a critical eye toward the DNC
The democratic demographic coalition is actively falling apart as we speak, and by the time midterms come around, liberals will have forgotten how to engage with their minority base without indulging in horrific racism that is disguised as some bizarre form of “schadenfreude”. Party elites will panic during the last few months before midterms but by then it’ll be too late, millions of people are gonna be converted into nonvoters because of Democratic Party racism and poor-bashing, with liberals in general permanently normalizing among themselves this type of sneering, malicious, hyper-partisanism
Liberals have replaced identity politics with identity schadenfreude and as a result they’ve most likely lost the rest of this decade
Liberals and dems have decided they’d rather spend 4 years blaming minorities and poor people for Trump’s victory then turning a critical eye toward the DNC
liberals will have forgotten how to engage with their minority base without indulging in horrific racism that is disguised as some bizarre form of “schadenfreude”
This already happened in 2024, which is why (in my opinion) Trump had a substantial increase in Latino and Black male voters (not an opinion, the numbers speak for themselves as a percentage of the electorate).
Libs like saying about conservatives “the cruelty is the point” but so many of them take glee in the suffering of others others when they don’t get what they want in elections or hell to countries designated as “bad country”. That cruelty applies to many of them too.
Bluesky too. The libs are going to keep doing that for at least four years.
I have a bluesky account specifically for sports news and still 1/3 of my feed is just libs somehow taking a victory lap after years of consecutive Ls.
somehow taking a victory lap after years of consecutive Ls.
They won the only battle they actually care about: the one against those to their left.
And won the battle amongst the terminally online on platforms like blue sky and Reddit. The real world is unaffected by their performative outrage. Let’s be real and call it what it is, these liberals did not care about any of this stuff happening when the Democrats were in charge. The left in the USA stood alone on fighting against deportations, genocide in Gaza, the war in Ukraine while Biden was in charge. The liberals are just throwing their toys out of the pram now that blue team lost and red team won. It’s embarrassing to watch. Where were all these liberals when Gaza was getting bombed back to the stone age, where were they when deportation records were broken under Obama and Biden, where where they when the US and UK offered Ukraine a poisoned chalice to fight Russia with? They were nowhere, out to brunch as people say on here.
The Democrat-NGO complex being the official opposition to the Republican party has doomed so many progressive policies. The worst thing is that the left has been ringing the alarm bells since 2008/2009, warning progressive activists that getting into bed with the Democrat-NGO complex was a terrible idea, but these activists didn’t listen and saw a shortcut to achieve their goals…
You could make - cough - liberal use of the mute function. You can mute for a duration of
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But what if the turbo lib journalist gets the scoop on a blockbuster trade
I just gotta know about it IMMEDIATELY
They genuinely do not seem to get why people would care about food prices, actual ‘let them eat cake’ type shit
Well, Kamala only improved on Biden’s election numbers with one demographic -people making more than 100k- so it tracks. Blue MAGA is by and large fairly wealthy people who they think they are “middle class” or whatever nebulous term people like to use. But they really tell on themselves with shit like this and wonder why so many people hate their guts.
I grew up poor in the south and lived in the PNW. Most of my coworkers were millionaires.
The things they said about people from the south was so fucking bigoted my God.
This new administration is giving them a big reality check. They fucking needed it.
You’d think they’d realize that people are going to be even angrier when the price of eggs doesn’t go down. In fact, the tariffs will probably make them go up! Imagine the opportunity that presents!
But no. They can only think in terms of elections.
Round these parts you can’t hardly get eggs at any price right now 'cause of the bird flu.
haha they wanted MACRONUTRIENTS lmao oof yikes fam
The nutirents are RAW!
Anyone who voted for trump by using eggs as an excuse is a grade A imbecile
In general liberal propaganda and DNC bots have made sites like Reddit almost impossible for actual information gathering purposes.
Gotta make some picture of Big Bird laying upside down, beak wide open under a cow as it shits. Have an egg between with a BIOHAZARD symbol on it and a [BIRD WHO FLU] red stamped on it like some rap album. Have MAD’s Alfred E. Newman dressed in flanel farmer gear with a poo dripping piece of wheat in his mouth standing in front of the cow “WHAT ME WORRY?”
Then have a
for good measure hanging around the farm and a
watermark in the upper left hand corner
THAT might be enough to get them to understand.