“Hohoho my guy presided over increases in the cost of living, plunging significant numbers of people into literal starvation, and yet the idiots think this matters!” CAN THEY NOT HEAR THEMSELVES

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
    1 month ago

    Liberals and dems have decided they’d rather spend 4 years blaming minorities and poor people for Trump’s victory then turning a critical eye toward the DNC

    The democratic demographic coalition is actively falling apart as we speak, and by the time midterms come around, liberals will have forgotten how to engage with their minority base without indulging in horrific racism that is disguised as some bizarre form of “schadenfreude”. Party elites will panic during the last few months before midterms but by then it’ll be too late, millions of people are gonna be converted into nonvoters because of Democratic Party racism and poor-bashing, with liberals in general permanently normalizing among themselves this type of sneering, malicious, hyper-partisanism

    Liberals have replaced identity politics with identity schadenfreude and as a result they’ve most likely lost the rest of this decade