I too had a great time away and coming back to this thread in bed is just
I too had a great time away and coming back to this thread in bed is just
Im so tired of libs thinking they’re clever/cute. Hey op!? When you’re actually curious, come on back. We’ll be ready to help when the veil falls off.
Pee Wee Herman died for our sins
Everything on earth is now (or better, has always been) psychically connected
Make my brain stop being so awful to me sometimes
Free Palestine (fine its gotta be selfish… give it to me so’s i can do what i wants.)
I can still find headphone jacks, tho you have to look. I finally had to give up on getting one with a removable battery a few years back and that really pissed me off
California water mismanagement? Now i can’t even reference ‘Chinatown’, it’s too on the nose
w8 i thought we were all fake trans and fake gays because hate or reasons
If they’re blaming Trump for eggs i can’t even … It’s so exhausting how they can so smug while having no damn context. E fukin G how bird flus been ravaging our cattle and chicken ranches under biden’s watch
I believe it’s really all they know. it’s how they’ve been trained by MSM to think and speak. It’s how they argue with conservatives, who have been similarly trained. When they are confronted with a different pattern they discover they have no other method in their arsenal and are compelled to switch to ego-defense.
I am american and while i don’t do it often, can confirm i’ve yeehaw’d and plan to yeehaw again in the future. Ive probably only tossed out 6 yeehaws my whole life here, heard other heartland burgerlanders hawin’ bout the same. It’s a special outburst for a special time
Like the beauocracy but intentionally bad? Maybe that’s the part that bit was missing
I like the theory linkers but i can’t be one. i just take the piss out of em. I don’t have the patience for folks not ready to learn. I know the libs won’t read the links, either. If a theory linker reads this don’t be discouraged, tho! i usually read the links the libs don’t use and learn something in their stead
Anime tells me a slave doctor would be metal asf tho
Do you think the name evilHexbeardotnetALT@[x] will get approved if one tries?
Since i know buttbidet is cool i kept calmly reading the horeshit, waiting for the joke. Slow, patient ramp-up, great delivery on upping the ante once the bit was obvious, just perfect
Good Post
That was hilarious
Er juuust in case did ya flip the switch on the back of the power supply? Sure it’s obvious but I have forgotten this before and freaked tf out before i remembered and i build computers as a hobby
they prefer spaces that have people that don’t support them because communists already know the truth about the DPRK
Um, i don’t!
i’d really like a DPRK diplomat here. Perhaps this diplomat is kindly overestimating my ability to escape US propaganda? Learning all kinds of things, even simple things a Diplomat would be able to share about life in the country would be a rare treat.
Ngl it’d also be a treat when those caterwaulin’ libs find out
holy ghostin’