I am in the den of evil
look if we can’t sustain a 3-cheeseburger per day standard of living what’s the point?
They were literally eating beef at the time yes
sorry everybody this thing keeps beeping idk how to turn it off
Thomas Malthus has entered the chat
wish I had a bag of holding…
Howards handy haversack was invented by someone who could never find anything in their purse. It’s me. I can never find anything in my purse. There were soviet space program comemorative pins in there last time I emptied it out.
This was me a couple weeks ago at a family gathering, except with wild transphobic shit instead of wild malthusian shit. One minute they were all sitting in agreement talking about how rich people don’t give a shit about any of us, which was so based of them that it surprised me. But the conversation somehow devolved into them saying the most evil shit imaginable when the topic of transgender kids in sports came up. I wanted to speak up so badly, but I’m not financially independent at the moment and I’m already the black sheep of the family, I’m sure it would have only made it worse.
I swear, American boomers are some of the most fucking demented people on this planet. I really want to say its the lead poisoning that made them so vulnerable to this strand of brain worms, but I get the feeling in the back of my mind that explanation is a cope. Please fucking shoot me in the head if I get like this about some other topic when I get old.
They aren’t lead poisoned and they aren’t brainwashed, they instinctively know they’re living off the oppression of others and they’re fine with it. https://redsails.org/masses-elites-and-rebels/
The prevailing populist narrative grants the People (of the West) moral innocence by attributing to them utter stupidity and naivety; I invert the equation and demand a Marxist narrative instead: Westerners are willingly complicit in crimes because they instinctively and correctly understand that they benefit as a class (as a global bourgeois proletariat) from the exploitation enabled by their military and their propaganda (in Gramscian: organs of coercion and consent). [6] We’re not as stupid as we’re made out to be. This means that we can be reasoned with, that there is a way out.
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It doesn’t take intuition to be aware that there are rich countries and poor countries, and that they are in a rich country. The lack of political understanding plus the convenient absolution of any guilty role in the matter is the reason they are willing to embrace liberal explanations of the world. Even though the explanation is always obviously ghoulish (you don’t have to be informed to see the problem with “there aren’t enough resources to both feed all these people and build all these missiles and megayachts, so we should reduce the amount of people”), they still find it preferable to giving up their treats.
im going to ask my kids to beat me to death if i ever become racist or some shit
Proudhon’s magnum opus
Lead poisoning disproportionately affected gen x. It also still disproportionately affects poor people and people of color. So it’s probably not that.
My family is definitely poor and half of us are latino, so lead poisoning of some degree is not too unlikely. But I do agree that it is probably not why they’re like this specifically.
Yeah I worded that poorly mb
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My carrying capacity for shitty Westoid takes is near its limit. Some of y’all crakkkas gonna need to stfu
Mfw the carrying capacity of Earth changes depending on the period of human development
This isn’t an RPG thing right
I was listening to a conversation with a group about a US cities crime rate. A friend who lives there had their house broken in to and a concerned boomer said “Oh wow was anything stolen”
“Not really, a pair of shoes”
“Oh, they were probably m*thheads”
fucking ghouls. Somebody takes something they need to survive and you have to dehumanize them before you start to feel anything.
Reminds me of when my car got broken into and my jacket was stolen. I didn’t even bother telling anyone because that’s the sort of reaction you get most of the time. I knew right away it was just someone who needed a coat since nothing else was taken. Sucked I was out a jacket but they clearly needed it more and I was lucky enough to have a spare
Yeah, my friend even mentioned they had guns that could have been stolen, but weren’t. It sucks having your stuff stolen but if they’re having to resort to theft to get what they need I can’t stay mad
The meth to shoe pilfering pipeline is real.
What? Carrying capacity? Are the chud dogwhistles getting to advanced for my slow brain…
Carrying capacity refers to an enivornment’s ability to sustain the life of X amount of Y species. If the species exceeded this capacity, there wouldn’t be enough resources for them all and the population would collapse. In the context of climate change, people will sometimes claim that humanity is reaching/is already at/has exceeded the carrying capacity of Earth. Instead of questioning if we should change the way we use resources just a little bit, reactionaries will instead make the jump to not only concluding that this analysis is correct, but also that it justifies ecofascist policies towards the climate crisis which, regardless of their form, ultimately amount to genocide as a means to “depopulate” Earth as a “”“solution”“” to the crisis.
So, carrying capacity is a real term ecologists and biologists use to describe the capacity for a given area to sustain a given population of a species - i.e. 10 acres of land can feed a population of 5 cows (idk the real numbers I’m just making stuff up for this example).
The problem is that eco-fascists will hijack the language to say that “the carrying capacity for human beings on planet Earth has been exceeded” and then imply that we need to get rid of the excess population (that’s always conveniently located in the third world) urgently “somehow”.
I’m guessing “ecological”
What happened to all the comments?
Your comment was the parent comment, and was removed for “ecofash.” Maybe consider that you were calling for genocide…
The replies are still accessible.
You can find out this type of thing from the public mod log.
What did?
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Stop using the isle of man flag because you’re too fucking cowardly to just use a swastika dipshit.
That’s some very epic reddit from you Mr. Ecofascist
Fuck off reported
eat shit and hair
Death to America
God forbid a woman has a small dong huh, you ever consider that it’s easier for them to tuck?
All discussions about the Earth’s carrying capacity should start with these two questions:
- How much of what?
- How many of whom?
They should also include studies showing that giving women economic and political rights is the best way of reducing birth rates, not to mention one of the only 100% ethical ones.
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I think that cratering the carrying capacity of the Earth with a climate apocalypse is bad, but 99.9% of the time when people talk about overpopulation, they are promoting genocidal and scientifically backwards bullshit, often throwing China under the bus despite it being far better per capita than the anglosphere and constantly improving.
Degrowth is a much more serious frame for these discussions, not to mention the annihilation of industrial beef farming, which is just an unspeakable waste of resources beyond being cruel to the animals.
Or they are like my dad who constantly talks about needing to “remove” roughly 4-5 billion people from the Earth.
Agree with unlimited genocide on the first world with him
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carrying capacity
record scratch