what happened here?
On the offchance that you’re actually here in good faith. The pop history belief in the west is that a bunch of unarmed innocent protestors were brutally massacred inside the square, this is false and no deaths of protestors occurred in the square. What actually went down is protestors murdered two unarmed negotiators and burned them alive sparking off things turning nasty, a military column then got ransacked and some protestors armed themselves. What followed were dozens of hours of battles across different streets in which hundreds of PLA and armed protestors died. I could post images of these burned negotiators but I’ll leave that to you to look up, they’re not hard to find and I don’t think it adds value to a historic discussion to post the gore when what matters is the version of events.
I can do this two ways for you, I can show it with western liberal sources or I can show it with socialist sources. I’ll give you both.
The Telegraph lays it out pretty reasonably in this article in my opinion, and since it’s a right wing tory rag so I assume no liberals are gonna accuse it of it being “commie propaganda” lmao.
But don’t just take that as the only example. How about we also look back at old articles written at the time it actually occurred?
CBS NEWS: “We saw no bodies, injured people, ambulances or medical personnel — in short, nothing to even suggest, let alone prove, that a “massacre” had occurred in [Tiananmen Square]”
BBC NEWS: “I was one of the foreign journalists who witnessed the events that night. There was no massacre on Tiananmen Square”
NY TIMES: In June 13, 1989, NY Times reporter Nicholas Kristof – who was in Beijing at that time – wrote, “State television has even shown film of students marching peacefully away from the [Tiananmen] square shortly after dawn as proof that they [protesters] were not slaughtered.” In that article, he also debunked an unidentified student protester who had claimed in a sensational article that Chinese soldiers with machine guns simply mowed down peaceful protesters in Tiananmen Square.
REUTERS: Graham Earnshaw was in the Tiananmen Square on the night of June 3. He didn’t leave the square until the morning of June 4th. He wrote in his memoir that the military came, negotiated with the students and made everyone (including himself) leave peacefully; and that nobody died in the square.
A Wikileaks cable from the US Embassy in Beijing (sent in July 1989) also reveals the eyewitness accounts of a Latin American diplomat and his wife: “They were able to enter and leave the [Tiananmen] square several times and were not harassed by troops. Remaining with students … until the final withdrawal, the diplomat said there were no mass shootings in the square or the monument.”
If instead of me using western major news sources to support my point you’d somehow still want this from my communist perspective. These three pieces are pretty good:
As for these tanks themselves. The video is of them leaving the square, and when held up like this I think they demonstrated a degree of restraint you wouldn’t see from any western military anywhere in the world.
Thank you for providing a legitimate, well thought out response instead of just reacting like so many others here. I’ll read through it all here in a bit.
Plenty of people initially responded with sources and thought out texts. You got negativity when you decided to ignore those, act as if you had not received them and then solely engage with low effort dunks like mine own. You are not owed respect, you earn it by being respectful
It’s always the way they do things. They ignore well thought out responses and pretend their opponents have no argument. Then they’ll try to save face by acting “civil” with a commenter like above.
I love it when they show up, do the exact same thing as the previous 10000 libs before them, and then act shocked when we respond to their scripted nonsense the exact same way as before.
It’s so funny. Then they go back to their dens and complain that users here are too aggressive to have a polite discussion.
You really nailed the button about how last step is trying to save face by being polite to someone. Happens every time, and some users here even fall for it lol.I hate their attitudes about how discussions should go (when they are the one with a heterodox view of course).
Just the fucking ego in insisting ones uneducated view on something should be treated as valid as the mountains of research others have done. Never mind that their “opinion” is often just completely false. It’d be like barging in to a forum for environmentalists and then insisting you should have a discussion about climate change. And of course they never just say that’s what they want, instead they post some dumb meme and act glib.I should make a lib debatebro flowchart
sorry but your post was the embodiment of the
If you wrote a polite question like “What happened in June 1989 in Tienanmen Square, is the tank man photo real?” or “What is the origin of this picture?” then you’d get a polite response.
No one is obligated to be nice to you if you’re not respectful back.
And yall don’t need to start every interaction by being a massive douchebag and acting like everyone is out get you. The actual language of my question is pretty innocuous (though, perhaps less so given the context of the instance, but still).
If I asked if it was real, I would get answers biased by belief in the events legitimacy. I’m also not going to ask what the origins are as I already know where the image comes from. By very purposely asking such a vague question, I’m openly inviting people answer with the information that they deem important to the context of this image. By asking in this way and in this instance specifically, I have the greatest chance to learn and stumble into some new information. As with all things, there are extremely polarized opinions about Tianamen Square, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Typically untrue. The rest of your comment I agree with though, you do need to be aware that an instance like this is consistently trolled by
smuglord liberals so people are on guard and view vagueness as indicative of bad-faith participation. Given that most people don’t want to waste their time with someone they know is acting in bad-faith the result is hostility and easy cheap responses instead.
Do you think the truth typically lies at the extremes of reason? In my experience Occams Razor holds in almost every situation, especially with controversial topics like this.
“Reason” isn’t something with extremes, normally. Events are events, the truth is in the evidence. Interpretations of the evidence can vary, but truth doesn’t vary. There’s nothing about being in the “middle” of two positions on what happened in a historical event that makes the median stance any more or less accurate than the stances themselves.
As an example, Iraq with WMD. The US line was that Iraq had WMD, the Iraqi line was that they didn’t. The Iraqi line was 100% correct and the US line was 100% fabrication.
But what if they 50% had them and 50% didn’t? Did you consider that?
∞ 🏳️⚧️Edie [it/its, she/her, fae/faer, love/loves, ze/hir, des/pair, none/use name, undecided]@hexbear.netEnglish22·28 days agoBut what if the extremes of reason are the start and the end, and the correct position is in the middle of that
Occam’s Razor has nothing to do with the truth being in the middle of two arbitrarily chosen positions you pseudointellectual lib.
You’re just throwing out phrases that you think make you sound smart.
Yeah I was willing to give OP the benefit of the doubt until this comment. Classic
Personally I believe that Neil Armstrong only made it halfway to the moon
He forgot to go pee first
Invoking Occam’s Razor here is conflating neutrality with simplicity which is not always the case. Most political dichotomies of opinion are social constructions which themselves have bias. While there is a kernel of truth to “the truth lies somewhere in the middle” (you should try to get a complete picture before reaching a conclusion), applying it to already-biased dichotomies and then landing in the middle is going to result in you favoring the original bias present in the construction.
I would argue it does. One extreme wants to say; “Tienanmen Square was a horrible tragedy and China/ Communism is the evilest thing in the world”, likely not true, but also, neither China nor Communism have clean hands. The other extreme wants to say; “Nothing interesting happened with Tienanmen Square and the West/ Capitalism is the evilest thing in the world”, equally unlikely to be true, but also, neither the West or Communism have clean hands. In this case, Occam’s Razor implies that neither of these extremes is reasonable and that the true story is actually some composite of both. I’m not using Occam’s Razor as a form of neutrality, merely as a mechanism for determining when a reasonable conclusion can be made.
No I think that when multiple people are telling history there is usually one that is correct and it’s usually the ones that were actually physically present at the time it occurred.
There aren’t multiple liars, there are multiple liars and one person telling the truth. You aren’t seeking a “middle”, you’re seeking the person telling the truth. “The middle” would be incorrect as well, as it would be in-between the lie and the truth.
I know that 1+1=2 but some people think 1+1=3. So probably 1+1 is approximately 2.5 since objective truth usually lies somewhere between two ends huh.
Now you could say that you don’t know enough about math to know either way and that would be fine too, but then you shouldn’t have an opinion on it or say anything about math at all
Have you ever heard of the golden mean fallacy?
I like this line of thinking, but I’m having a hard time using it to understand the phenomenon of crop circles.
Explanation 1: it was a previously unknown spacefaring species that uses giant circles to communicate.
Explanation 2: it was a couple middle aged Brits with some boardsDoes Occam’s Razor say that it was a couple of aliens with some boards, or it was a previously unknown advanced civilization of middle-aged British men?
a previously unknown advanced civilization of middle-aged British men?
If you ever take a calculus or precalculus class, when you are testing for minima and maxima across a zone, you usually test the corners first. The wisdom therein is that you don’t know for sure whether you are starting out centered on the critical point.
It’s the same thing for politics. You can’t assume that the observable range is equidistant from The Truth in all directions. In many cases, you’re going to have an edge or a corner that is closest. Starting out by saying “we’re going to define truth simply by the average of the opinions that are out there” assumes that all perspectives are equally reasonable, that the average of the masses is always right, that it does not need to evolve, and that it is immune to manipulation. All of these assumptions are deeply wrong. Using this approach, you are always going to end up defining truth by the principles of strangers, instead of developing your own principles.
Do you think the truth typically lies at the extremes of reason?
yeah, pretty much always. What truth lied in the middle of the geocentrism debate? Does God exist or not? Can the truth be somewhere in the middle for any of the most important questions?
Well yes because the truth is the truth and our reason is Calvinball that changes over time and space. Scientific advancement always happens at the edge of knowledge and reason. That’s how it advances. You have to question the existing premise in order to move past it. You’re the one moving, not reality.
Occams Razor does not mean that the truth is always in the center of reason. It’s that all things being equal (aka equal evidence for all sides), the truth is the thing that requires the fewest assumptions. Your lack of awareness about the evidence (ie full video of Tienanmen Square) isn’t the thing that requires the least amount of assumptions. You’re just assuming you have all the information and acting on that. We’re not assuming the information, we have it. So ours requires one less assumption than you.
my buddy says you’re a pedophile and you say you’re not a pedophile. the truth is likely somewhere in the middle
OP is about to explain that they went to Little Saint James but only for networking.
Unrelated but I always read your posts in the mighty monarchs voice and this one is really funny coming from The Monarch
I’d never considered that that might be the case, but I find it delightful. Imagining it, it is a funny line. Sounds like something he’d say about another villain he’s being petty towards.
I’m gonna start doing that now too lol
actually thats ephebophiia
there are extremely polarized opinions about Tianamen Square, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
middle of what? The middle of your ass you’re speaking out of?
The interaction did not start out at that point, it went there after you made it obvious you were not even going to watch the video of the event you talked about.
It’s being made clearer by you continually trying to rewrite the course of events.By very purposely asking such a vague question, I’m openly inviting people answer with the information that they deem important to the context of this image.
You do not openly invite to a discussion about an event by hiding your intentions, that is by it’s very nature not an open discussion. Vague questions and answers also only lead to a bad discussion. A discussion which also requires interaction from you, which you have failed to do several times. If you wish to see an example of an open discussion, then go to the thread I’ve linked you.
And now you are trying to save face, but t his too you’re unable to. Instead you make it all the more clearer you are acting in bad faith.
As with all things, there are extremely polarized opinions about Tianamen Square, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
So you did know what was going on? Why did you ask what happened then? Also of course you’re an enlightened centrist. The truth does not lie in the middle when the tale is one of lies and propaganda by the west, as many people have given you resources to see. You making this statement once again makes it clear you’re not engaging with the arguments given to you.
you’re just being a dick
Yes I am. What goes around comes around.
I’m going to troll the tankies with le tankman today 😆 wait why are they being hostile to me?? 😭
go back to reddit
Did you really think saying “I’m curious, what happened here” wasn’t going to come off as smug and condescending? Did you really expect it to garner a civil and cordial response?
Like actually? What did you think our reaction would be? I have a hard time believing you didn’t think you were gonna “troll” us and when we mounted a better response than you thought you decided to get pissy and start moaning about civility.
I think they were “curious” about the kind of response they would get, rather than the event itself but seeing that there are valid responses that they cant just dismiss snidly and everyone thinks they’re stupid they have to coddle their bruised ego by pretending they were curious about the actual event all along. As in pretend to themselves mainly to protect against their hurt feelings.
It’s a punch to the ego to be laughed at by the people you thought you were smarter than and realising you actually have no clue about what you thought would be an easy dunk does hurt.
Just as an aside, without any further comment, it’s “Tiananmen”. Not tia-na-men, but tian-an-men.
Tian An Men.
It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean
Lmao, are you the person from that blahaj thread who said they were “toying” with the idea of coming here to own us with a picture from 1989?
Have you watched the video?
EDIT: Your account age is exactly as old as this comment.
Lmao oh man that’s hilarious. Do they think we’ve never been hit with the tiny-man square thing before?
Watch out, he’s going to say Xinnie the Pooh next, that will really own us.
Heh -999 social credit score
jfc he’s from sh.itfor.brains
Its not them, that person has an account here and did post in the comments of a thread about that thread the other day and they seemed chill.I’m not talking about Khlo, the OP of the thread I linked, who does seem cool, I’m talking about this person
That self-superior, faux intellectual, pussyfooting tone is so unbearably cringe. Just toying with posting a certain controversial image, teehee wink wink hint hint
I just love the idea that in their heads, we had never seen this image before. Because China censored it. You know, like all those Reddit posts “the CCP doesn’t want you to see this image!”
Despite the fact we probably forget more about Tiananmen square every day than this dweeb has ever known.
I love the idea of this guy doing some ninja shit to discover the secrets of that fabled, mist-enveloped island known as Hexbear.
“I think they’re all tankies” — how did he figure that one out? We’ve been far too careless!
It’s giving Paul Blart
Imagine thinking tankies are pro-Trump.
Ah yes, we just adore the most capitalist man to ever exist.
Always a good sign when people can’t find actual things to criticise us for so they have to just make things up.
Pffft, I think you’re right. I will remove my own upvote from my own comment, that’s what I get for not looking closer.
No, you were just worried about a new user getting slandered, it’s totally understandable.
EDIT: and actually I went ahead and edited my other comment to make it more clear which individual from the linked thread I meant
Nice investigation skill, but sadly not me. Would’ve been a funny coincidence, though.
Also, yes I did watch the video.
Occams Razor says it was you though… I guess the answer must lie somewhere in the middle
I don’t believe you.
Good for you
he says you’re a douche troll from an instance of losers. you say you are not. obviously, the truth lies in the middle of this frame that has been objectively constructed by the laws of reality according to the philosophy of Enlightened Centrism: you’re HALF a douche troll from an instance of losers.
and, statistically, we round up to the nearest integer so you are mathematically now proven to be a douche troll from an instance of losers.
The truth is always in the middle, so clearly it half wasn’t you and half was you.
I say is was you.
The truth is clearly in the middle, it was half you.
The US realized that chauvinist losers like you could be easily duped into believing atrocity propaganda in order to drive down domestic support for China. Since westerners can only barely reach political object permanence, this lie works so effectively well.
Since you had your turn with China, let me play your same game here: “I’m curious”
what happened there?
1985 MOVE bombing in Philadelphia where police dropped bombs on children and allowed a fire to spread.
Every accusation is a confession.
It’s notable that Arthur Tsang Hin Wah, one of the two Tank Man photographers, was in the hotel to take the photo because he was beaten by students while taking photos on the 3rd.
of all the bait to post, the self own here is off the charts
from the natopedia link someone posted
The lead tank halted to avoid running him over; the man then climbed on top of the tank. The PLA soldiers operating the tank then opened a hatch used for entering and exiting the tank, and briefly talked to the man.
If this were bait, then don’t you think it worked like a charm? Unfortunately for you though, I’m genuinely curious what yall have to say here. I may disagree with some of the opinions, but maybe I can learn something along the way.
If this were bait, then don’t you think it worked like a charm?
Not really? You thought it was a gotcha and yet it was pretty easily answered.
The easy answer is the Wikipedia article that anyone can simply look up. The real answer I’m looking for is one that comes from alternate perspectives and includes information not-so-easily found in traditional settings, which some of you lovely people have been kind (and open minded) enough to provide.
You should probably have asked for that then. Or clarified when you got that linked. Or clarified at any point, instead of responding like you’ve done. Improve
Someone posted like 5 western media sources
For someone who is curious its very odd that you only respond to the people giving low effort dunks, rather than those answering your questions. Get it together.
It worked like a charm
<~ you
Edit: coming back to this comment because I remembered that comic about a guy shitting his pants and then being proud he’s “owned” those around him who are mocking him
That’s a classic too lol, but I was thinking of the guy who smirks and says “rent free”.
Theye all variations of the same though
This is piss, but same idea.
That’s the one I was thinking of!
they call it shit, you call it piss
the answer must lie somewhere in the middle
Im so tired of libs thinking they’re clever/cute. Hey op!? When you’re actually curious, come on back. We’ll be ready to help when the veil falls off.
That dude was upset about the tanks. He walked in front of them and they stopped. He climbed up onto the front one and had a conversation with the soldiers inside. Then he got down and walked away. That’s what the video shows.
he went full Karen on the tank column
I very nearly thought this was a bit until I read the responses
Doubtless, you’ll go back to your main instance and report back that you learned a new perspective and weren’t permabanned for ‘just asking questions’. Im excited for your upcoming post on MoG summarizing your experience
Ethics in message board journalism
I’m glad you asked
Canadians will deny this ever happened
Omg. You have it. I’ve been searching for this for so long. Thank you so much.
It’s truly exhausting to see people still using the term “tankie” in 2025
mostly from so called “leftists” lol it’s so pathetic, anarcholibs and such hate “tankies” more than they hate imperialism and capitalism, it’s so disgusting
This is a good one
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
🤖 this doesn’t look like anything to me
Edit: okay after reading the thread, I guess this isn’t badposting. OP you gotta understand, in most places, this would have been removed for being a low quality post or be taken as intentional shitpost for people to joke about. You would have gotten many more sincere responses if you posed a question in the title and elaborated in the body what specific information you were seeking.
Lmao two day old Reddit refugee here to own us but they don’t know there’s a video of him walking away
I’m like, 90/10 on them being this loser: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/21641836/12769312
EDIT: just to clarify, I’m 100% sure OP is not the OP of the linked thread, I’m fairly certain they’re the commenter in the linked comment.
lmao incredibly pathetic behavior
Pretty sure its not, just restating this because this is the second time I’ve see this in the thread. That person has an account by the same name here.The other one was me also, but please look at my response. I’m not talking about the OP of the linked thread, I’m talking about a commenter in a directly linked comment who specifically stated they were going to come here and troll us with this image.
Oh LOL yes never mind I think your right.
No worries!
I’d love to see the video then
You've already gotten it linked
25 minutes ago before you made this comment actually. What’s that about? Why don’t you engage with material provided yo you? Almost like you’re not actually curious.
So it has, lol. Not the easiest thing in the world to read every notification first, I’ll get through it eventually
You’ve gotten barely any notifications and you decide to engage in discussion against something before you’ve read them. That’s not exhibiting curiosity. That’s being a debatelord. Responding exclusively to this one is also very telling.
The video is barely 2.5 minutes long. I thought you were curious, yet now you decide to put off answers to your question so that you can continue making pointless comments.
This is uncivil, rude and honestly poor behaviour. I hope you rectify yourself.
Operating on the assumption you’re just a debatebro, why do libs like you give this one event, where the narrative is so twisted it’s visible for anyone who looks the least bit into it, so much weight, when the United states police regularly run over protesters? This picture is used to illustrate a systemic critique of China, yet these events occur commonly in the west and people like you treat it like it’s suddenly some complicated situation.
Edit: On the off chance you’re genuine, we had someone much kinder than you stumble in a few days ago with the same questions. I will point you to comments from there to give you reading material
On Ukraine
And on tianamen and the UyghursI agree with you but also I wonder if someone who just wanders onto this website knows what a “debatelord” is lol. We are so steeped in our own lingo
Yeah someone also used “natopedia” lol, we need to do some self-crit about being normal online (when appropriate)
lmao you’re totally right and I’m so used to it that I didn’t even clock that one. god maybe I need to
have a good day everyone
I feel like debatelord is pretty self-evident, but there’s other ones like smuglord where I agree. Gonna change it to debatebro though
Idk if this is correct but I think of smuglord as having come from the emoji title, which is one of the best on the site. I mean, what’s more accurate than
“Debatebro” is used pretty commonly outside of here. I think “debatelord” is close enough most people will get it.
I’m not the one being rude here. I am currently working on reading all the comments, I read yours first so I responded to it first. I did not see the video link until after I responded. Cool your jets for sec and let me interact with my own post in my own time. Have a little patience, my friend.
You are being rude in the way I’ve pointed out. Engaging in this discussion, but ignoring points you dislike is rude. You are doing this in this very response here.
By being rude you appear as a dipshit. You therefore receive uncivil attitude back. If you were less condescending about your way of interaction, then you would receive kinder responses. You are not owed any cool jets, when you yourself are behaving poorly.
Go look thru the linked thread to learn how you actually behave in a civil chat.Let me engage in my own time.
“Your post” lol buddy it’s a public forum and the block button is right there. Let me point out how you’re being obvious in my own time.
You’ve been linked it but if you can’t watch it now, here’s some screenshots:
Climbing inside the tank to have a conversation:
Walking away afterwards:
The real question is, who told you that he got run over? 🤔
The sceenshots are rather helpful, thanks. I’ve never heard of him getting run over, but I’m also not sure I’ve ever seen the part of him walking away either.
who told you he was run over ?
No one, lol. I have never once heard that claim until today
If that’s true, why post this? What is this image supposed to mean, to you?
I feel like libs love to do this. They’re vague, but from context, everyone knows what they’re implying. When you prove them wrong they pretend they didn’t mean literally anything “just a joke bro.”
Why would this picture possibly be an important truth to power anti-China image if you think the guy in the photo was fine and the conflict got diffused after a brief chat with the tank operator?
Let us look at a specific example. A claim like “There’s cultural genocide of Uyghurs in Xinjiang” is simply unreal to most Westerners, close to pure gibberish. The words really refer to existing entities and geographies, but Westerners aren’t familiar with them. The actual content of the utterance as it spills out is no more complex or nuanced than “China Bad,” and the elementary mistakes people make when they write out statements of “solidarity” make that much clear. This is not a complaint that these people have not studied China enough — there’s no reason to expect them to study China, and retrospectively I think to some extent it was a mistake to personally have spent so much time trying to teach them. It’s instead an acknowledgment that they are eagerly wielding the accusation like a club, that they are in reality unconcerned with its truth-content, because it serves a social purpose.
What is this social purpose? Westerners want to believe that other places are worse off, exactly how Americans and Canadians perennially flatter themselves by attacking each others’ decaying health-care systems, or how a divorcee might fantasize that their ex-lover’s blooming love-life is secretly miserable. This kind of “crab mentality” is actually a sophisticated coping mechanism suitable for an environment in which no other course of action seems viable. Cognitive dissonance, the kind that eventually spurs one into becoming intolerant of the status quo and into action, is initially unpleasant and scary for everybody. In this way, we can begin to understand the benefit that “victims” of propaganda derive from carelessly “spreading awareness.” Their efforts feed an ambient propaganda haze of controversy and scandal and wariness that suffocates any painful optimism (or jealousy) and ensuing sense of duty one might otherwise feel from a casual glance at the amazing things happening elsewhere. People aren’t “falling” for atrocity propaganda; they’re eagerly seeking it out, like a soothing balm.
Hey guys what’s going on here?
Best slop we’ve had in a while, I hope WhiskeyOaks starts another thread tomorrow so we can do this again.
When @LiberalSocialist@hexbear.net permaleft, it created a void in our community that hadn’t been filled until now
AOC is doing what the unions asked her to
Power dynamo
This thread is great, I hope the libs at shit.just.works are gonna post it in their silly com dedicated to us.
What else is there to be curious about though? The holodomor?
The photo of the Chinese prisoners in blue?
The bikes in the street picture from Tiananmen Square maybe.