A few points:
One - In what way did Biden “save America from Covid”?
Two - This article says that Americans picked the convicted felon over him, but the opposite is true. He won the only election in which he ran against Trump, and then withdrew the second one. The American people picked the convicted felon over Kamala, not Biden.
Three - Describing Biden’s full on cognitive decline as “walking and talking like an old man” really obscures what we all saw and heard during that debate.
Four - Why is this writer pretending that Biden’s legacy is going to be anything other than funding and supporting the horrific genocide that we’ve all seen broadcast directly to our phones every day for the last year and a half?
In 2020, when Trump was in office, covid killed 385k americans.
Biden begged cities to spend covid relief funds on police budgets
Biden didn’t save anyone. He just repealed all the protections and social safety nets designed to keep people safe so that the economy could continue chugging along.
Rescuing America from COVID
How many people died of COVID this month?
Listen Jack, it was only 610* last week. That’s way down!
*Assuming the states are reporting numbers accurately
That’s the neat part! A lot of them just stopped reporting cases altogether! 😀
the whole country watched him sundown on live tv lol
we finally beat Medicare
I love how there is actual polling data about how the genocide was the largest reason people didn’t vote Democrat and libs will still be like, “They’re just too stupid to look past how old he
islooks, walks, and talks (he’s not actually old!)”Removed by mod
I was crying tears from laughing so hard. That was the best Presidential debate ever.
Thanks, Hexbear!
gaslighting? in my state media?!
S.V. Date? I don’t know, but I bet Tara Reade remembers
holy shit what a wild name to attach to this.
His legacy is all the bad stuff he did for like fifty years in government, then lying about having shit for brains which led more or less directly to a got dang cheeter in the White House
Regarding four: History books will downplay the United States’ involvement with Israel’s genocide, I guarantee it.
History is written by the victor, be they blood drenched butchers or winners by default. Insha’Allah there will be no Zionist entity by 50 years and the imperial hegemon will be a husk, so that it won’t be settlers writing the histories.
History is written by the victor
Counterpoint: The Lost Cause of the Confederacy.
Two - This article says that Americans picked the convicted felon over him, but the opposite is true. He won the only election in which he ran against Trump, and then withdrew the second one. The American people picked the convicted felon over Kamala, not Biden.
Biden would have lost even harder than Harris.
I agree with this, however leaving Kamala out of the main argument of the article really feels like they’re purposely trying to get her off the hook.
He didn’t look old, he looked like a ghoul from fallout
I doubt you could grow a tree on Biden, he’s too dry and dusty.
Imagine thinking “convicted felon” is an own in a country with highest prison population
Why don’t they find people guilty on Friday and execute them on Monday like in China?
Interesting, where can one read more about this phenomenon?