• soiejo [he/him,any]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    I dunno about worst, but I fucking hate 300. It tries so hard to insert Snyder’s american fetishism in the setting that it quite literraly inverts reality to show the brave, patriot, manly, free, christian americans Spartans facing the evil, godless, deformed, queer, arabs.

    Pesonally, I usually can ignore shitty politics when watching a good movie, and sometimes even good slop, but 300 even fails to be a good action movie because it had to add a shitty slow motion effect every time Zack Snyder jerks off to how smart he is

      • Staines [they/them]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        If you think that’s bad, just read about how they treated their Helot slaves.

        Mandatory ritualistic beating and shaming, and a yearly actual purge to keep them in line.

        Spartans are about the most pathetic culture to have ever existed.

        • KobaCumTribute [she/her]@hexbear.net
          6 months ago

          Spartans are about the most pathetic culture to have ever existed.

          They were also a bunch of idle fancy lads whose requirement for citizenship/personhood was literally “rich enough to come chill at the country club with the lads all day without ever having to work even a single day” while also being extremely greedy so that they’d buy up the land of anyone whose wealth dipped a little leading to their “eligible for military service” class consistently shrinking all the time to the point that they did major land redistribution twice in order to restore the size of their citizen class (since they were the only ones allowed to be “real” soldiers, as opposed to all the non-citizen light soldiers and enslaved canon fodder they also used).

          And before you think “oh, so given their supposed martial prowess they were using that free time to stay in shape and do drills or something?” the answer is no, they were literally just hanging out drinking and eating at their rich boy clubs all day and their actual military performance was not measurably distinct from other Greek city states (including their neighbors) for most of their history, even though they liked to wank about how they were best and coolest because “remember Leonidas?” and shit, with only a pretty brief window where they seem to have actually started to try to live up to their own propaganda and managed to be a regional power before then failing again and rapidly diminishing to the point that the city of Sparta itself became lost and forgotten with the descendants of the Spartans reduced to just being some small time fishermen in a tiny village well before the Roman era.

      • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        You know what’s funny? The supposedly unbiased justifications you hear from chuds on American exceptionalism or colonialism was present with Persians: they’re the more advanced society, they were far better educated and also that whole ‘everyone invades everyone all the time tho!’. The depiction of the Persians in this movie should’ve been met with accusations of wokism for portraying them in such an extremely negative light.

      • lil_tank [any, he/him]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        The abject ableism of making the person with kyphosis betraying everyone after not being allowed to fight in the most gentle and reasonable manner by the good compassionate king is absolutely disgost

  • Comp4 [she/her]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Sausage Party. I felt insulted after finishing the movie. I don’t care if Seth Rogen is otherwise a swell guy—if I ever meet him in real life, I want him to apologize for being involved in that movie.

    I’ve watched some movies I consider monstrous, jet-black, and mean-spirited, but Sausage Party feels like it was made by a committee just to fuck with me personally.

    Sausage Party is a 2016 movie with racism that feels like it’s from 2000, and an approach to adult themes that I find both infantile and disturbing.

    I can forgive some horniness if it’s done right and fits the movie. I can’t forgive racism.

    Sausage Party is racist, horny trash. 0/10.

    Personally, it’s the worst movie I’ve ever watched in my life.

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Fantastic Beasts 3, Secrets of Dumbledore

    If you liked Harry Potter before JKR decided to be fucking insane, and enjoy making fun of bad movies, you have to watch this monstrosity. It’s nonsense, the plot is insane, the writing is awful, the effects are bad, the filmmaking is bad, everything about it is awful.

    And all of that for the core plot of “Our heroes have to get the magic deer to the Wizard election to ensure Grindelwald doesn’t prevent the Holocaust”

    I want to be so clear that I am not exaggerating when I say they ensure the Holocaust isn’t prevented. In the second movie the bad guy shows visions of WW2 and the Holocaust and says “Follow me to prevent these horrors!”

  • Azarova [they/them]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Probably not objectively the worst movie I’ve seen, but Enemy at the Gates has been taken so literally by so many historically illiterate people that I’ve grown a burning hatred for the movie for basically slandering the entire Red Army and a few real people who were characters in the story. Kay and Skittles has a really good video on just how bad it is even beyond the “every other person gets a rifle” and “barrier troops gunning down retreating soldiers” shit.

  • ItsPequod [he/him]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Me and my friends watched Borderlands a few days ago to make fun of it and I think it’s one of the biggest actually bad movies I’ve seen, ever. So many choices made were just bad, and made for not even an entertainingly bad experience, it was just bad, poorly written and established, poorly framed and shot it was wild.

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      As someone who played the games tho, their props, costumes and set design were dead on. It’s a crime they made a movie that bad with all the attention to detail focused on everything besides the script and casting.

  • Voidance [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    I want to say Deadpool vs Wolverine but I only watched like 45 minutes of it. But afterwards I felt whatever is the psychological equivalent of stuffing yourself with 5 cheeseburgers in a row. I mean I felt gross and sad and kind of like I’d somehow been cheated

  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    The Made in Abyss movie, which I forced myself to watch for the sake of the review I posted in c/anime (obvious CW for gross and pedo shit, but I avoid explicit details and hide the worst under a spoiler with another warning) last year. It’s completely and utterly empty, vile trash that’s both nonsensical and repulsive with no real plot or character development other than that the characters keep moving forwards past the hard point of no return in the very end. It is well and truly gratuitous, serving absolutely no purpose other than indulging the author’s sick fetishes in a quasi-legitimate form.

      • shreddingitlater [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        I felt like I was losing my mind when I actually watched the first episode of that anime after it was suggested everywhere - the pedo stuff is extremely obvious from the start and it was always played off as something funny or whimsical. I think that was the last time I gave watching anime a chance and just started reading manga from artists I like.

          • shreddingitlater [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
            6 months ago

            Chainsaw Man, I also enjoyed Fire Punch. I was reading Trail of Blood by Oshimi Shuzo, but it finally ended and I’ve read pretty much all of his other stuff too - Welcome Back, Alice ended kinda quick, but maybe for good reason.

            Other than those two artists, I haven’t found others I enjoy yet. I’m reading through Yotsuba in Japanese and, though it can be funny, it’s mostly for reading practice.

            • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.net
              6 months ago

              The Chainsaw Man anime is pretty great. I was pleasantly surprised by it. The main character is a horny teenager (often played for laughs), but in a way that isn’t gratuitous like most anime, is relevant to the plot, and it’s clear the adults around him are fucking awful for taking advantage of him.

              Made in Abyss is “Yo what the fuck” territory. Something else I haven’t seen mentioned here is the writer’s shit fetish. Like literal shit. There’s way too many scenes about fictional characters’ poop.

              • KobaCumTribute [she/her]@hexbear.net
                6 months ago

                Made in Abyss is “Yo what the fuck” territory. Something else I haven’t seen mentioned here is the writer’s shit fetish. Like literal shit. There’s way too many scenes about fictional characters’ poop.

                It’s every bodily fluid in general. Just an endless parade of things oozing and leaking out of every part of the characters, which gets even more excessive in the second season when they reach the frenworld ancap blob monster village and then gets worse and worse and worse. I have a strong stomach and high tolerance for just repulsive and horrible content, and I actually felt ill trying to slog through to the end so that I could definitively say that Made in Abyss is the worst thing ever made. Like as much as people joke about the idea of “psychic damage” I took actual psychic damage from it and was out of sorts for days.

            • KobaCumTribute [she/her]@hexbear.net
              6 months ago

              Let me strongly recommend ZOM 100: Bucket List of the Dead. It’s a hopeful, class-conscious, pro-social zombie apocalypse story that starts from the satirical premise of a burnt out wage slave waking up to a zombie apocalypse, celebrating because he doesn’t have to go to work anymore, and setting out to do all the things he wanted to do because he was too busy working himself to death. And if you’re thinking “wait, that sounds kind of anti-social, silly as the concept is?” then it also agrees and is quick to hold up foils to him and show off his reckless hedonism and wish fulfillment as empty and reckless, pivoting to a balance that I can only sum as something like “even in the face of the apocalypse, people and their hopes and dreams are the most important thing and life should still be enjoyed, but responsibly and together.”

              It’s a scathing rejection of nihilism and every misanthropic zombie trope, that’s also stylish as hell. The only half downside is that it does a lot of like overly enthusiastic regional Japanese cultural tourism stuff as filler in between the big plot beats, making much of it just a tour of different domestically famous locations which the characters soyface over and then get chased by zombies. Its anime adaptation is also amazingly stylish and vibrant with gorgeous cinematography and animation, and I would really recommend checking that out after getting through the manga if you like it (full disclosure: I have only seen the first 6 episodes of the anime and that was all very faithful to the tone, content, and themes of the manga; if it does something horrible or jumps the shark after that, I don’t know about it).

      • KobaCumTribute [she/her]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        It’s worse. Like people joke about psychic damage or media haunting them in kind of an exaggerated way or like an overly dramatic way of describing the emotional impact something had, but this genuinely gave me psychic damage and it genuinely haunts me. Not in an “oh it had such an impact, it was so sad/scary/whatever” kind of way, just a “this is gross and bad and dumb and I hate the author and everyone who enables him and also people who like this series” way that makes me angry just thinking about it.

          • KobaCumTribute [she/her]@hexbear.net
            6 months ago

            I saw a link in this thread to a year old review of that hog slop

            Wasn’t that me linking my old review? The “Made in Abyss is the worst thing ever made” thread?

            I am baffled, disturbed, and deeply disappointed that even that got excuses made for it from some Hexbears back then.

            Some of the deleted comments in that thread were people arguing in its favor. I still see people recommend it now and then and I’m always quick to jump on them for it.

            Like just to contextualize this, I like grindhouse as a genre. I like awful slop as a spectacle. I watched (pirated) all of SAO and enjoyed riffing on how bad so much of it was. I sat through (pirated) all of Overlord and found it something that’s awful in a way that’s fun to mock and hate because as gross and bad as it is it’s still in the tier where you can point at it and say “lmao wtf, that’s awful” instead of just feeling sick. I watched (pirated) those shitty Piranha reboots that literally included jokes about breast sizes in their titles and thought they were entertainingly dumb, gratuitous movies. I enjoyed (pirated) the Sci-Fi channel original series Blood Drive about a death race with cars that are powered by human blood for some reason. I think Hellsing Ultimate is actually kind of good if also dumb and very gratuitous, as in lingering on graphically killing literal Nazis so long that it starts to get kind of boring and repetitive, which is a concept one wouldn’t think possible but they manage it somehow. And Made in Abyss actually haunts me with how awful and also just sort of shit it is.

            Although that said, I have seen short blurbs about things that might rival it for being unwatchably awful that I’m never going to bother with because they also look boring and gross. Live everything I’ve heard about Peter Grill for example makes me think two things: that it may actually rival Made in Abyss in repulsiveness and also peter-running. Shield Hero and Redo of Healer are also in the “maybe this is as bad, but I don’t feel like confirming it” dumpster.

            I had a similar experience to each and every attempt for treat hogs in my local area (coworkers too, unfortunately) to show me the “good parts” of Game of Thrones.

            I hate the GoT showrunners and all their OC, and even the early seasons I thought were decent when I first saw them looked cheap and mid when I revisited them a few years later, and I want to stress that even that is nowhere near how bad this is, that’s how bad it is.

              • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.net
                6 months ago

                Shield Hero

                Goblin Slayer

                I couldn’t make it through the first episode of either of these. They’re fucking terrible. Anyone who likes Goblin Slayer I’m assuming is just a contrarian. Shield Hero is pure isekai waifu harem slop. They exist solely to sell merch to Japanese nationalists. Attack on Titan is similar.

      • KobaCumTribute [she/her]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        Like I know you hate Sword Art Online, and let me say that SAO is comparatively quaint and wholesome and well paced and well thought out next to the absolute pile of flaming garbage that is Made in Abyss. SAO is poorly written slop that’s good enough that it can be laughed at for how bad it still is (and its spinoff series that was written by an entirely different author is actually almost good although still bad and problematic). Made in Abyss is just an abomination that should not exist.

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      If we’re talking politically bad Demolition Man is a very well-made movie that actually managed to piss me off with the level of cop apologia and blatant racism. It was made right after the LA riots and obviously took inspiration to make one of the most racist movies I’ve ever seen.

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Some disgusting late 2000s “rowdy comedy” that started with a scene of a girl giving the main character a blowjob in a school bathroom, except the scene started with a close up of the girl’s mouth which had a big-ass pimple on it

    I so fuckin furious I snapped the disc in half and delivered it back to the redbox like that, never had a film piss me off to that degree

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    The last one I can recall genuinely hating most of the way through was Rebuild of Evangelion 4, the plot felt completely incoherent and most of the characters just thrown about randomly with no care given except for genuinely exploitative scenes, with an ending that feels literally only made to be applicable to Anno himself.

    • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      i was just about to post this! Back in my day, some of us got together on the hextube and watched the Reshill of Evangelion movies after the originals

      number 4 was easily the worst

      incoherent rancid copefest of pure ideology, utter fucking nonsense bastardization of the original, prime example of how neoliberal austerity fucks up culture and destroyed the collective ability to imagine a better future, a spectacular cinematic fuckup overall, festering shit in the trashcan of ideology

        • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]@hexbear.net
          6 months ago

          yes, it was even worse than #3’s incoherent bullshit, a disjointed mess that gets progressively worse until it is laughably bad at the end, you did not miss out on anything but unintentional comedy that is not worth suffering 2 hours for

      • Huldra [they/them, it/its]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        Eternally young teenagers get sent off to arranged relationships or put in gay limbo forever, but only after getting shown off to the audience in blatant sexualized “battle damaged” rubber suits for fanservice, before the main character just makes it so nothing bad ever happened in the timeline and goes off to marry the self insert of the real directors wife who’s character didn’t do a single thing in the whole series of movies except battle scenes and fanservice.

        • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]@hexbear.net
          6 months ago

          yh absolute fucking garbage, kicker is that one of those habsburg (yep, that bunch of evil bastards who made europe suffer for centuries) motherfuckers was praising it as high art on twitter when it came out

          Eternally young teenagers get sent off to arranged relationships or put in gay limbo forever, but only after getting shown off to the audience in blatant sexualized “battle damaged” rubber suits for fanservice

          great combination of the neoliberal fetishization of youth combined with literal arranged marriages and the closeting of gays lol

          • someone [comrade/them, they/them]@hexbear.net
            6 months ago

            yh absolute fucking garbage, kicker is that one of those habsburg (yep, that bunch of evil bastards who made europe suffer for centuries) motherfuckers was praising it as high art on twitter when it came out

            And this is why the Romanov solution needs to be employed more often. It’s maybe a little harsh in the moment, but there’s no other way to make sure.

    • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      Evangelion is the worst show I’ve watched in recent history.

      I’m glad I watched it while I was sick and didn’t invest healthy time into it, I had time to burn but I still feel like it was a waste of time I won’t get back.

  • shreddingitlater [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Passengers really pissed me off, it takes some real skill to take such a good premise and turn it into whatever the fuck that movie was. Mario movie didn’t make me hate mario as an actor, it was obvious slop. Passengers did because the premise baited me into watching slop when I was expecting existential horror.

    E: I would say it made me hate Lawrence as an actress too, but she actually expressed regret for starring in it at least.

    • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      when I was expecting existential horror

      The existential horror is being awakened on a ship and essentially having a life sentence to living alone with an incel mario tech guy.

      Also, they had Laurence Fishburne in it so I wanted them to end up Event Horizon-ing lol.

      I rented that one from a DVD kiosk (lol) and someone wrote “broken disc” on it. The thing worked fine on my setup at home, so I returned it with a note: “DVD works, but the movie sucks”

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      I wish Pratt would fuck off. He’s part of a very right-wing church that is openly homophobic and transphobic. Any time it comes up, he tries to skirt around it with “Oh golly gee shucks I don’t know I just go there because it’s the local church everyone goes to.”

      I shouldn’t be surprised given Marvel’s main executive guy was a right-wing chud, so of course he gives the only chuds he can find movie roles (not sure if that guy is still there after the merger with Disney).