Max is already in the library.
Max now owns the library, and would like to make some changes.
Change number one: All late fees must be paid in cat treats.
Change two: All dog owners are banned from entering the library.
Max has always been in the library.
Max will always be in the library.This whole thing has a very “Welcome to Nightvale” vibe to it.
deleted by creator
Knowing my inattentive ass I would have read that sign after happily letting max into the library.
Max is the library
Max has always been in the library.
Mad is behind me in the library isn’t he?
This could honestly be a 90s kids cartoon. Every week Max has a new plan to get into the Library, with the intent of knocking books off the shelf. And every week, the mean librarian has to try to stop his plan.
What do you want to do today, Max?
Ya know, I was trying to avoid the Animaniacs tie-in, because I thought it was a little TOO on the nose…but yeah, I totally imagined him in that animation style.
Library Larry
Hairy Larry and the Library.
On second thought, yours still sounds more kid-friendly.
so a kerazy cartoon, huh boss? The main character would be a cross between a cow… and a helicopter.
Max should not be outdoors unleashed and unsupervised.
Yup. I know cats can do better roaming free than most pets, but that doesn’t mean it’s safe for them, and it’s certainly not safe for the local bird population.
Well, at least can we let Max take out that one bird in the neighborhood that divebombs everybody waiting for the bus? It’s all black with a bit of red or orange on it’s neck. I don’t mind the pigeons, or the sparrows, or the robins, or the cardinals, or the blue jays, or the crows. They can all live…but lets make that one bird go extinct.
Probably a nest up in the corner of the bus stop. The only time I’ve ever been dive-bombed was by some swallows when they had a nest up in the corner of the house’s porch.
That bird is doing that cause it got eggs somewhere close by. Or they already hatched. Still want to kill it?
Yes. Don’t raise your kids at the bus stop if you can’t play nice with the bus people. That bird had ample time to realise that people are always using the bus stop. Bird should have laid eggs somewhere peaceful. Now bird is being an asshole for no reason as a response to its own bad choices. We should kill off asshole birds like that and let the species evolve smarter and less mean.
Fun fact: a lot of fairy tales have wolves going after humans with a ferocity you will not see in nature. This is because back when those stories were written, they did. However, humans are vindictive. Man-killer wolves would be hunted down with spears and killed. Over time, wolves evolved to be more cautious of humans and less aggressive. And now our wolf problems are solved.
not every cat hunts birds, and in rural areas it’s pretty safe for them to be outside
You must not live in North America, because house cats are about half thr diet of coyotes in the US and Canada.
no I live in Europe
100%. Cats are fine, but wild birds are better.
What about seagulls?
Gulls are dope
Dope, gulls are.
Gulls are dope
But it’s so cute how he tears apart local bird families!
Yep you should make sure to jump out from behind a bush or tree to make sure your cat stays on its toes the entire time it’s outside.
I used to work in the ER years ago in a small community hospital, and this neighborhood cat had figured out how the automatic doors on the ambulance ramp worked, and would slip in behind the paramedics and go curl up in the triage chair and wait for patients to come to the window to say hi. She also made rounds of the neighbouring nursing home and hospice on a regular basis.
Sounds like it was collecting souls
kinda what psychopomps are for, yeah.
More like farming them.
Tend them and care for them so they grow big and strong. You only want to pluck them when they are perfectly ripe.
Let Max in the library!
Meanwhile Max is decimating the local bird population, and risking getting hit by cars.
He’s living his life to its Maximum.
Please note that this is not a global problem, and that keeping a cat indoors is also not a solution - just don’t get a cat then.
My cat is very happy and healthy indoors and turned 19 this year. Got another 10 in him too.
Happy to hear that! Give them some extra pets today!
My cats are perfectly happy indoors cats.
Guards. Make sure Max doesn’t enter the library under any circumstance.
Right, keep max in the library, even if he wants to leave.
No, no. Keep max out of the library at all times.
We don’t have to do anything other than keep Max in the library.
Out of the library…
Oh, I remember. Can he enter the library with us?
Guards: … please come with us, Emperor Max has ordered us to arrest you
WHY would you not want Max in the library?
“Here is nothing missing, but a cat urinated on this during a certain night. Cursed be the pesty cat that urinated over this book during the night in Deventer and because of it many others [other cats] too. And beware well not to leave open books at night where cats can come.”
He relentlessly hassles the librarians over their “woke agendas.”
In this case woke agendas means pets and treats
because you’re no fun and don’t want to install a proper cat door.
I wonder what Max did to get banished from the library.
Having cats I would bet he peed in the library
Yes, probably, but I want to think in my mind that it was something super chaotic and daring, like a furry super-villain.
Typical cat just knocking things off shelves - the library is an inexhaustible playground.
Then spraying it with his butt hole pee contraption
Meow at the door until someone opens it, then not go outside and go back to sleep on someone’s reading material.
Talking to people loudly?
Solid possibility.
Max has left the library. Max has been saved.
Researching forbidden lore
Instructions clear, have filled the library with cats not named Max
I had a doggie named Max. He had bat ears. We called him BatMax. He died over two years ago. Now I miss Max.
Not your fault, obviously.
I’m sorry for your loss. He was a good boy.
He was. Thank you.
Upblessing BatMax
This is not fair, why do everyone else’s opinions matter more and are in a larger font? Max can make his own decisions!
I’m afraid I can’t stand for this.
Let Max into library now!!