Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 57 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • They should have been outed and named years ago but the next best time to do it is now.

    Many of these people might be elderly now and many have probably also died. But the fact that their names would be released would show that many of them ended up working for universities, governments, corporations and businesses that went on to influence our politics and our democratic systems. Naming them all would show how pervasive their influence would have had on our country. Naming them would also ostracize anyone that would have been associated to any of them. Imagine the impact it would have on politics, businesses or individuals if we knew who they associated with or praised or held in high esteem. Hiding their names just masks the allegiances that supporters of far right ideologies have who are currently amongst us now. Those old fascist views are abhorrent and we should do our very best to expose those people who supported those ideologies and the people they influenced and the people that support them today.

  • former r/onguardforthee fan here … I’ve been on now for over a year … happy to see others are hopping on board and jumping off the burning train wreck

    ADDITION TO MY ORIGINAL … one thing we current users of Lemmy should point out to any new users that are joining Lemmy either here at or any other fediverse instance is to REMIND EVERYONE TO DONATE TO AND SUPPORT THE INSTANCE THEY ARE ON. It’s great that all this stuff is free for us to use but there are people here who work to develop, maintain and upgrade the source software and there are groups of people who maintain and manage the instances that we all use. We can’t expect all these people to work for free. Many of them may not mind working for free and they might even enjoy it but there will come times when they either can’t do it any more or they just run out of money, resources and time and energy to manage things as they grow more and more popular. No one complains when things are working but everyone will scream and shout as soon as their instance fails for one reason or another. Everyone or as many people as possible should find a bit of money to support their instance or the developers. Even if everyone gave a dollar, that would add up to thousands. If we keep these instances and the people that work and maintain all this well funded then we can all be safe and secure from any corporate rot that might creep into our communities.

  • I have several gay friends … some of who grew up in the 60s and 70s. I find it so strange to talk to some of them and ask them what it was like to be gay in the 60s knowing that it was illegal in Canada! We like to think that this history is some ancient record that no longer matters … the people that lived this reality are still alive today and can tell you about it.

    And we can’t forget it because knowing and understanding it means that we won’t revert back to this insanity.

    BTW … almost forgot … that is a great image and yes I do fee like crying … beautiful

  • Are you kidding … who the hell believes anything this idiot says any more. If any one does, then you are just as dumb or dumber than this orange cheeseball.

    He is the master of deception, lies and misdirection … he’ll say one thing, everyone panics and runs around scared or angry and while they panic, he goes behind everyone to pull off some cheesy lame ass scam that would have been easy to stop otherwise but he gets away with it because everyone is preoccupied.

    The stocks will jump up and down at his every whim and because he is the one directing the show, he’ll profit by betting on when the fall occurs and when the rise returns. He’ll skim off everyone’s wealth over and over again until we’re all bled dry.

  • It’s a modern day worldwide religion … the religion of money. It only exists if we faithfully attend church every week or every day and pray to the gods of finance and hold everlasting faith to the almighty dollar. Our churchs are the banks, ATMs, restaurants, stores, malls and online shopping sites we see every day. Our membership cards carry our prayers in our credit and debit cards. Once the brethen lose faith in any part of it, the whole organization starts to fall apart.

    We’ve always been like this. 3,000 years ago it was a golden calf. Today it’s the little numbers counting which god is winning or losing on a stock market website.

  • I think the biggest flaw with modern Trek series is that they spent more money and time on the imagery, picture, special effects and action scenes and presentation rather than on the actual story, writing and dialogue.

    The old James Bond films were famous for this. In some of the films from the 60s and 70s, they first created the stunts and action scenes and wrote the story around them. In the end, they looked great fun and exciting but didn’t mean much to the audience. It’s a fire works show … it looks neat but it’s forgettable the next day.