Wait, that works out to… about 66 euros per kilogram?! Holy fucking shit, you could get some actually nice high-end chocolate with those prices. Also, chocolate’s gotten incredibly fucking expensive in Finland too. A big 200g milk chocolate bar from Fazer now costs almost 5 euros
you could get some actually nice high-end chocolate with those prices
I’d love to know what you have in mind because I suspect it’s impossible to get it at a reasonable price here. Chocolate is expensive here now and it’s only getting worse.
We’re heading towards the kind of environment where a treat like chocolate or ice cream is genuinely unusual due to the cost.
Wait, that works out to… about 66 euros per kilogram?! Holy fucking shit, you could get some actually nice high-end chocolate with those prices. Also, chocolate’s gotten incredibly fucking expensive in Finland too. A big 200g milk chocolate bar from Fazer now costs almost 5 euros
No treats for the poors
I’d love to know what you have in mind because I suspect it’s impossible to get it at a reasonable price here. Chocolate is expensive here now and it’s only getting worse.
We’re heading towards the kind of environment where a treat like chocolate or ice cream is genuinely unusual due to the cost.
These fancy Lindt chocolate bars are about 42€/kg in a local supermarket
As for something that costs about one pound, there are these small Fazer chocolate bars (Fun fact: they used to be 50g and cost 50 cents
I agree with your sentiment, I just think 1 pound for 18 grams for basic milk chocolate is INSANE