The one time it’s with two consenting bros and the church actually does something.
Common Papist L
Apparently, different kinds of Christians count the 10 commandments differently, and the 6th is either “thou shall not commit murder” or “thou shall not commit adultery”, depending on who you ask lol.
Even in the case of the former, they invent all the reasons why killing is actually okay.
There’s a very important distinction between murder and killing. It’s only murder if it’s illegal, otherwise it’s just sparkling killing.
In that light, is it adultery if two Catholic priests are fucking? I thought adultery was extramarital, and priests can’t marry, right?
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Priority of God and not worshipping idols? Lumped into one commandment.
Having desires that conflict with someone’s property rights? Two whole commandments.
Felony obscenity, what the hell is that? Since when is it illegal to have sex with adults? And in the suburbs of New Orleans, no less?
ikr? Not only is this guy based as hell it was between consenting adults in private so what’s with the jail time?
Pretty much. This is what E*rope did to the religion following the legacy of the dude who broke bread with sex workers, outsiders, and tax collectors, who flaunted religious convention like “not working” on the Sabbath, who chilled with lepers, and who whipped money-changers and mocked religious hypocrites (pharisees).
Agnostic ex-Cath myself but even just based on what sources we have on the historical figure he wouldn’t approve (of the majority of what has been done with his legacy)
Ackshually one of them was a child of God, so it’s also felony pedophilia
He was a seminarian after all
Seminal work, I hear.
The only thing that CW needs now is rock ‘n’ roll.
I debated putting that in there for shits and giggles, but didn’t want to get anyone mad. The last struggle session is still too fresh.
All those nun cloisters that have secret passageways to monk
monastarmonestamonasteries always made me smile a little. This just reminded me of that.Sounds like a groovy couple.
what’s better than this guys bein’ dudes
get them to a monastery!
Let them go!!!
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