• @whotookkarl@lemmy.world
    15 minutes ago

    Reasonable justice reforms for social media used as public alert and communication systems, AI, crypto, gaming, etc to regulate new markets emerging from new tech to prevent predatory monetization policy and monopolies causing increased wealth centralization and patent trolling slowing down technical innovation in general.

  • @Omega_Jimes@lemmy.ca
    131 day ago

    I’m just mad as hell at how many things seem to have topped out in the 1940’s. My car is basically the same. Five wheels and I chase an explosion around. Air travel is basically the same. Big aluminum tube that’s expensive size as hell. TV is basically the same. Tune in, sit on ass, watch.

    You look at how life changed between 1900-1945, and how life changed since then, and we’ve really stagnated.

    That’s not to say it’s all the same, phones are amazing, but they don’t change my life fundamentally, a day without my phone is very much the same as a day with my phone.

    • @CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml
      33 hours ago

      I think we’ve still made amazing progress, just in different areas. For example, communication. In the 40s, if you were in the US and needed to contact someone in, say, Australia, the options would either be to send a letter and wait maybe weeks or months for a response, or possibly a prohibitively expensive phone call.

      Nowadays you could click two buttons and have a six-hour HD video conversation if you wanted to, essentially for free. And you could send them documents, videos, money, whatever you want basically instantly. Heck, if you really wanted to you could both create realistic 3D avatars and hang out in VR if that’s your thing lol

    • Since around the 1940s and the 1950s scientists and Engineers have definitely kept progressing. Do you think all that human experimentation by the Nazis Etc came to nothing? No. Much was learned & implemented.

      Scientists & engineers are keeping a ton of technology proprietary while they’ve also figured out how to hypnotize the plebian masses into being consumers, entertainment-seekers, and obedient ignorant workers.

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    1 day ago

    Private jet packs, flying cars, robot butlers, implantable cybernetic upgrades, a cure for baldness, affordable and safe space flight, free healthcare, a future that doesn’t look like the love child of Idiocracy and Demolition Man.

  • @zante@lemmy.wtf
    231 day ago

    The one thing I feel deprived of, is the proper sci fi aesthetic in our devices.

    The beeps, the switches, the UI. All forsaken for an asinine black mirror .

  • @Sam_Bass@lemmy.ml
    2 days ago

    more international cooperation for global benefit. instead we have more profit taking from everyone