At the risk of once again being told what an idiot I am, healthcare in America sucks. Thanks for the present though, mom. We need all the help we can get.
By the way, feel free to tell me how great my Photoshop skills are. Some people on Lemmy love to tell me how I’m not sick and just making it up for sympathy.
Sorry… is there a community for “I’ve been pissed off for months now?”
Happy birthday and get well soon. Your Photoshop is spot on and the American healthcare system is a joke. All the best from evil socialist Europe. 🖖
Happy Birthday!
Your check’s in the Mayo!
Thanks. I wish it was.
Happy birthday! There must be a cheaper way to get mayo!
Get me Ham on five, hold the Mayo
You would think, but those Rochester, Minnesota sandwiches are surprisingly pricey.
Also, thanks!
Happy Birthday to us!
It’s a drag being an American sometimes, eh? (me too)
Thanks! Happy birthday!
Having had cancer 20+ years ago as a teen I can vouch that the healthcare system here has ruined my life. Survived the stage 3 head cancer and the side effects? Wonderful! NOW PAY UP FOR THE REST OF YOUR PROGRESSIVELY WORSE LIFE! Ahh joys of unchecked capitalism.
Cancer sucks. Fuck cancer. I’m sorry you had to go through that as a teenager. That makes it even worse. I hope you found a way to manage the side effects without being in too much pain or discomfort.
I’m alive so winning. Didn’t mean to be a downer on your birthday. We’re in this shit together. Hope your situation with medical improves!
We definitely are, and thanks. No worries about the downer thing, I would be telling everyone about how I was screwed over by the system and my body when the subject came up too.
Best wishes to you!
Happy birthday. I appreciate how much you contribute to Lemmy.
I don’t read names of posts all the time, but WOW do they create a lot of the content I see on Lemmy. Thank you FlyingSquid!!!
Yep. As you have probably guessed, I have a lot of time on my hands dealing with this.
Sorry… is there a community for “I’ve been pissed off for months now?”
You new here? And by here, I mean Earth. I’ve been pissed off for decades. That’s just called being alive, and smart enough to observe your surroundings.
I was gonna say… disgruntled people on the internet have been around probably since before OP was born… the grievances and bitching unleashed on Usenet and IRC back in the day could be legendary. ESP on IRC, where users and entire servers would go to war with each other.
The Internet is pretty incredible now, but it used to be a hell of a lot more fun
I agree, but I am on a level of pissed off most people cannot really imagine. Because food is the biggest part of our culture. There is literally nothing more important to our lives than food. You can look on any commercial street and see something to do with food. Advertisements, restaurants, stores, you name it and food is there. Even companies that do not have anything to do with food will have signs on their buildings with food on them. It’s pure torture to not be able to eat anything (which I wish I could do so badly) and it pisses me off to no end. And as it’s gone on longer and longer, it makes me more and more pissed off. I haven’t eaten a solid meal since last August, mostly living on 6 Ensures and 4 V8s a day.
On top of this other issue, I have an extremely painful nerve disorder called trigeminal neuralgia which I’ve been dealing with for about 7 years. Because I won the fucking genetic lottery.
So you can imagine how pissed off I am at this point. If I believed in a god, I would think they were punishing me. But I don’t. Some people have fucked up genetics even if it’s not outwardly obvious and I guess that’s me.
On the other hand, I feel like I have it easy compared to the person that posted a reply that said they got over stage 3 cancer as a teen and have lifelong problems because of it. That would be a whole other level of pissed off I can’t even comprehend.
I didn’t mean to come off as dismissive regarding your situation, simply to say that this isn’t a new phenomenon on the Internet.
I apologize for any offense caused
I’m very sorry to hear about your health problems, and I only wish you the best.
You didn’t cause any offense at all! I was just venting.
Vent as required, dude. You’re still a net-positive here by a long shot.
Thanks, that’s really nice of you.
I probably would be too, in your situation.
200 bucks? You got off cheap. Did they give you an aspirin?
$200 isn’t the bill. It’s what we can afford to pay.
This month…
Yep. Especially since a huge storm came through yesterday and knocked down trees all over the neighborhood. We just got a quote to remove ours for $3500 and that doesn’t count whatever we will have to pay the neighbors for the damage to their garage. And then another tree destroyed our fence.
I’m just glad our cards have been paid down after a tax windfall or we would be well and truly fucked.
Oh my goodness that sucks
Hell yeah, a medical bill! Fuckin’ love throwing excessive amounts of money at basic human needs.
I’m planning to get myself new tires when my birthday comes later this year 🙃
Another excellent and fun thing to spend birthday money on!
Happy birthday, person I see everywhere I go on Lemmy (not that it bothers me or anything, I just find it funny how often I come across your posts)
I’m everywhere! I’m like lichens! And thank you.
Happy birthday, Flying Squid
Sorry… is there a community for “I’ve been pissed off for months now?”
at least you didn’t tip.
Add 30% for the front desk, 40% for the doctor and 30% for the insurance company
Your birthday is also your cake day? Convenient! Happy both!
my birthday is near my cake day. I got the money a little early.
Hope you’re doing well! Best wishes!
American healthcare sucks unless you’re rich
Happy birthday!
You make Lemmy a more pleasant place to be, not just with your many contributions of great memes, but more importantly with your overall friendly manner. You make a real difference. Thank you.
Thank you, that’s very kind of you!
I certainly enjoy their posts/comments.
Happy birthday! Sorry healthcare in your country is so piss poor.