Companies aren’t fucking people you braindead, full-of-shit, techbro asshole. (Just to be clear, this is directed at musk)
“Companies are people too, my friend”
-Mitt Romney, in an incredibly out of touch statement.
“In fact, if we look at the only marker that counts - money - then corporations are even more people than people are.”
Corporations own the domestic housing market, your car through software, you phone and devices through proprietary firmware, and your media through subscriptions.
Corporations are the only citizens.
We are serfs with no rights to own anything.
“We do not use the term ‘serf’ here. It makes the serfs uncomfortable.”
Mitt Romney is a real inspirational character. He got to the top of the political world with nothing but hard work, hussle and a 10,000,000$ loan from his father!
That’s why his street name was RMoney
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“According to the New York Times, terrorists may be paying for blue check marks on Twitter (I refuse to call it X),” King wrote.
King later followed up his stand against the name by posting the word “Twitter” several times in a message critical of Musk’s "need to put your personal brand in everything.”
That sure is some savage trolling… Someone else had a much better comeback
Musk attempted to ridicule King, writing, “Stop deadnaming X… Respect our transition,” in response to King’s tweet.
Alejandra Caraballo, a transgender attorney and instructor at Harvard Law School, criticized Musk’s stance by bringing his personal life into the conversation. Caraballo responded directly to Musk’s post on X with a poignant comment: “Why? You never respected your daughter’s [transition].”
Caraballo responded directly to Musk’s post on X with a poignant comment: “Why? You never respected your daughter’s [transition].”
So fucking glad someone called PG out on his bullshit with his daughter.
It’s not an own to him though. Thought process goes like this.
Elon deadnames daughter.
Internet people mad.
Someone deadnames Twitter (Oops).
Internet people not mad.
“Aha! Hypocrites!”
Thoughts terminated.
You can’t deadname a social network because it’s not a person, though. It does not have feelings.
Elon’s thought process has already stopped. You would have better luck explaining the nuance to a ferret.
Don’t you know companies have more rights than people.
Corporations are people!
Then we maybe need the death penalty for companies
I like the cut of your jib.
No see that would be less humane. Unlike people who don’t deserve it. /s
When you want to go to his site what do you type? no? So shut the fuck up Elon
I had to check. actually redirects to Twitter. Which makes Twitter correct. X must be the old name.
Of course it is, X has always been a placeholder. Then after some serious consideration they ended up with Twitter, which is such a good name really, love it. Well done! At least thats how I remember it.
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It makes sense that they ended up with Twitter. I mean who would be so dumb to name a platform X?
You know what, I’ll deadname it even harder.
I used to call it Twitter/X.
From now on I’ll just call it Twitter.
Too bad I can’t call it Shitter, but we’ll all know that’s what we mean so it’s okay:-P.
I think we should call it “Ten”. See if we can infuriate Musk.
I think I’m in love with you now.
You could call it Zwitter, it is the German word for hermaphrodite.
Xitter would be pronounced shitter or zitter - neither is good.
Xitter! It’s poppin!
The prerequisite for being a hermaphrodite is to be a human. The Musk is not that.:-P
heit wants us to specifically not call the company “Twitter” anymore. So I’m thinking maybe I could call it “Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter”? :-DY tho? What kind of own is it to accuse an anti-trans Nazi platform intersex?
Why not twixtter?
That’s the site dedicated to many people’s favorite chocolate and cookie candy.
What are you, happy on crack or something? Oh then, carry on my good man. :-P
I have decided: The Musk specifically asked us not to call it “Twitter”, therefore I shall call it “Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter”.
I dunno, maybe some days I could call it “Twitter” for short:-D.
it’s important to remember that elon musk is a 50 year old man which makes it even sadder
The site metadata refers to it as Twitter for like, those media cards Facebook Messenger and Discord make when you send a link, so I guess to stop my browser from deadnaming the site I should just stop visiting it.
Twitter itself still refers to itself as twitter on multiple parts of the website.
They didn’t even change the URL.
Lord the chaos that would ensue if they changed the URL without redirecting from twitter would be a world wide funny. Like when tinypics shut down
X now identifies as apartheid media instead of social media. The name change is important to make this distinction.
Twitter FIFY
X is a letter and not the name of something.
Malcolm frowns upon your shenanigans.
The shithole formerly known as Twitter.
Formerly? You mean it’s not called twitter?
No he means it’s dead.
Like my dead rapist uncle formerly known as John.
Another right-winger who self-owned thinking they’d do a clever script flip.
I know right!
Elon is a massive piece of shit, but this is a genuine question because I don’t follow everything with him…
Has he been anti-trans?
Edit: Jesus Christ… Can’t say I’m surprised.
He directly promoted the transphobic film ‘What is a Woman?’. Not sure if he’s publicly done more than that, but his trans daughter doesn’t want to be related to him at all and changed her name accordingly.
This is just the first result from Google
tl;dr, At Xhitter, he fired the people who took down promotions for a film inciting anti trans hate and then promoted the film.
Yeah he’s been pretty blatantly anti-trans. This article has more info, but the highlight here is that his daughter, who is trans, disowned him.
I can’t say for sure because I don’t give much of a shit about him, but IIRC (I read this years ago) he has a trans daughter who’s cut communications with him. So probably.
Not the worst thing, but the dumbest anti-trans thing he’s done is loudly proclaim that “cis” is a slur and calling someone cis is harassment.
Elmo refuses to acknowledge the transition of his own child.
The fucks going on in Sesame Street
For a while now, yeah.
He deadnamed his own kid, if memory serves. One of his daughters is trans.
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Why do I feel he’s deadnaming his daughter, in the rare times they speak to each other?
When your trans daughter disowns you, and your remarks are anti trans, how the fuck are you not dead naming her.
I would be so shocked to find out he wasn’t.
can we just go with xitter? yes, that x is pronounced sh :D
I always refer to it as this in text, but say twitter when speaking in person.
I like calling it X. It means I can call tweets Xcrement
Xitter is also acceptable in my book .
We should exclusively call it “Twitter (called X by Elon Musk)”.