Well, yeah you shouldn’t shit on them for not having gotten to features you want yet, but it’s also okay to talk about how important and crucial some features are. And yes, I agree that the best solution is to lend them a hand in building the features you want! I know Rust pretty well and would love to help out tbh, but I have a serious disability that makes extended focus on cognitive tasks very difficult and deleterious, so all I can really do rn is cheer other people on.
Also I’ve heard the main two Lemmy devs are actually being paid to work on it, which isn’t surprising to me as a lot of software companies will pay their employees to work on open source projects. So it isn’t totally free labor.
It would be amazing if Lemmy implemented silencing/muting instances, it would make a great middle ground between fully federating or defederating so that it’s less binary and absolutist, and allows more individual freedom within mod actions. I think having a spectrum of choices when it comes to interaction will help social media networks a lot, because it means there are more ways to deal with problems and it more mirrors real life social groups, which means the dynamics are less artificial and distorted.