I am loving The Expanse but I wish James Holden felt more like an inhabitant of the System he’s supposed to be saving. Sometimes it feels like he gets dragged along by the plot. And I’m halfway through season 3, I think I get that it’s not entirely coincidence that he’s always tied up in the shit, but sometimes it feels like the Hand Of God moves him into position just for the sake of the plot.
I am loving The Expanse but I wish James Holden felt more like an inhabitant of the System he’s supposed to be saving. Sometimes it feels like he gets dragged along by the plot. And I’m halfway through season 3, I think I get that it’s not entirely coincidence that he’s always tied up in the shit, but sometimes it feels like the Hand Of God moves him into position just for the sake of the plot.
From what I remember, in the books he’s more the type to go put his nose into things and get involved.
2nd half of s3 that changes.
4 is kind of odd for that, 5 probably feels better, 6 might be just for you.