If the masses are penniless serfs, who is going to buy the services provided? One of the other 8 billionaires who own the country?
They really haven’t considered the longer term here. Ultimately, they’ll be kings of a worthless backward shitheap, despised and shunned by the international community, their best and most promising exfiltrated to the rest of the world then fenced off to rot into obscurity.
That is exactly what they want. They want us to literally live like dark age serfs while they live in opulent and highly technologically advanced palaces that cater to them.
They don’t just want everything. They want everyone else to have NOTHING. A billionaire in a chauffered Bently that costs 500,000 dollars definitely looks down on people driving Honda Civics that cost 20,000. But imagine if they were in that Bently and the people around them had no cars, and even a bicycle is a luxury, and whatever public transport that is available is prone to breakdown. Their ability to look down upon the serfs is much greater, which is what they want.
Selling to who?
If the masses are penniless serfs, who is going to buy the services provided? One of the other 8 billionaires who own the country?
They really haven’t considered the longer term here. Ultimately, they’ll be kings of a worthless backward shitheap, despised and shunned by the international community, their best and most promising exfiltrated to the rest of the world then fenced off to rot into obscurity.
Like North Korea, more or less.
That is exactly what they want. They want us to literally live like dark age serfs while they live in opulent and highly technologically advanced palaces that cater to them.
They don’t just want everything. They want everyone else to have NOTHING. A billionaire in a chauffered Bently that costs 500,000 dollars definitely looks down on people driving Honda Civics that cost 20,000. But imagine if they were in that Bently and the people around them had no cars, and even a bicycle is a luxury, and whatever public transport that is available is prone to breakdown. Their ability to look down upon the serfs is much greater, which is what they want.