I suddenly like a lot of things about France.
I have a vps with OVH which is French, and pretty great.
I’ll 100% sign up with eutel (?) satellite internet if it’s ever available here.
I’ve also been using mistral l, a French LLM, to draft some documents lately.
Back in 1945 you know how many people America took in who did any kind of scientific work. wernher von braun may be the most famous. That was just to insure that America would be leaders in the world. Now it doesn’t seem America wants to have anything to do with leading the world in any field to progresses america as a country.
Wdym? We already have Musk, Thiel, Zuckerberg, Horowitz, Yarvin, etc.
I left the US for Germany almost 2 years ago now. I’m a software/aerospace engineer. It was like time traveling to the future in some ways, worker right are way better here and 6 weeks of vacation has cemented that I’ll never go back.
Now I just need to do my part to make sure conservatives don’t ruin this country any more than they already have. Not excited for Merz to get into power and continue selling out his country.
Good for us. Very very good for us.
Makes me wonder where all that money is going? I mean they must be making billions in those funding cuts. Are they all gonna funnel that money into Russia and tech oligarch’s pockets?
Makes me wonder where all that money is going?
Scroll down to spending categories. Most money is spent on things like social security, medicare, veteran care, unemployment insurance, and health. Defense is 13% (and absolutely needs to be audited ASAP). Interest payments on debt is now 13% and growing fast. This is why it’s important to at least reduce the deficit as fast as possible. Imagine how much good the government could do with another $400B each year without those interest payments. (well, maybe not this government, but the next one).
They want to create an oligarchy in the US.
Privatise everything and give them to their billionaire buddies to run.
Imagine the money you can make by selling weather data, gathered by government sensors. Or a private VA organisation with an exclusive contract with the government.
Selling to who?
If the masses are penniless serfs, who is going to buy the services provided? One of the other 8 billionaires who own the country?
They really haven’t considered the longer term here. Ultimately, they’ll be kings of a worthless backward shitheap, despised and shunned by the international community, their best and most promising exfiltrated to the rest of the world then fenced off to rot into obscurity.
Like North Korea, more or less.
Brain drain also shifts the country rightward. Worked well for Fidesz, will work well for the Republicans.
The US is an oligarchy already. It has been since at least the late 70s. It is just that now the system is falling apart.
Not to Russia probably, not directly at least. Just to oligarchs. But not just tech oligarchs, oil barons will obviously take their share, no oligarchs will be left hanging
40…is not a lot
Barely anyone is actually a researcher at an university. Science is a pyramid scheme in a sense and everyone cut away to form the top is someone selling their soul to the industry as an engineer. Hence actual numbers are small in every field of research.
That’s at a single university.
The low prospects of jobs for undergrad who don’t have enough experience for grad schools also turns people completely away from being a scientists to, unless you have research published or significant experience in lab work prior to graduating you won’t get far, it’s also harder to get into them health, like
I feel like the amount of stupid per unit volume in America is indeed increasing.
But decreasing per kg :)
“Stupid communist units that nobody understands”
- the USA, probably
I wish I was a scientist so I could go too.
And frankly, this is just another parallel to WWII and Nazi Germany’s rise. The non-fascist scientists and people fled to safer pastures.
Take me with you, I’m neither an average fighter nor a brilliant scientist, but you can’t live a trans-sister to die in this wasteland of burgers and guns!
But be careful, there could be sleeper agents amongst them
Myself included lol.
Moi même aussi lol
G’day knackers, what’s crack-a-lackin?
French is such a beautiful language.
Pas besoin du “même”, juste: “moi aussi” :)
J’espère que la France vous plaira, bonne adaptation!
Est-ce qu’on distribue les baguettes, les cigarettes et les bérets obligatoires à la frontière française, ou est-ce plutôt une chose parisienne ?
They’re more like a passport. If you don’t have them when you arrive, we won’t let you in. 😂
Shit I was studying German.
Come on over, we have plenty of beer, Kollege
I learned from my friends "Von Regen in die Traufe“, you flee from Trump to get that semi-bald Temu copy of him in Germany. Things look dark for us in Europe everywhere.
I want to live in Germany! I got skills and would be happy to study abroad
Left for Taiwan in the first Trump presidency. Haven’t been back since.
When you gonna go full China? Feel like that’s the best bet at this point.
I prefer to call it West Taiwan, at this point, China needs democracy and what best to bring it than Taiwan.
Jealous! Taiwan is an amazing place
Come visit. We are a very welcoming country and love foreigners and tourist!
Cool, what you’re doing over there?
Website optimization. My customers are global so I can work remotely.
I’m doing my part fleeing to Sweden, granted I’m a programmer and game dev so not a scientist. I’m done letting the US profit off my skills though
Don’t forget to get rid of your US citizenship or they’ll still profit off your work.
i thought it was just that if the country you’re in taxed you less than what the US would, then you have to pay the difference to the IRS?
… and there’s no way in hell the US taxes less than sweden (and for anyone that hasn’t had an ice pick lobotomy that’s a good thing)
*edit: foreign tax credit
How so?
If you make over X thousand dollars you have to pay taxes on it to the US even if you don’t live there. The value is something like 160k.
isn’t it only the difference above what you’re taxed in your country and what the US would tax?
and since the US tax rate is one of the lowest in the world, it almost never applies
i think it’s covered by the foreign tax credit
That’s true up until that X thousand mark. There is a limit on the foreign tax credit the US provides. So you pay no taxes to the US up until a certain income figure, then you pay essentially double taxes (US and where you actually live).
Don’t worry you won’t make 160k in Sweden :(
Does that matter if you’ve already cut all other ties and live somewhere else? I mean, actually paying the taxes seems like more of an active choice if you’re living in a different jurisdiction, isn’t it?
Extradition is a thing and no matter how much I hate what the rich have made America, I still would prefer to settle our debts. I lived there, I was raised there, I owe them my taxes like a good citizen - but now that I’m gone if I ever get close to having to pay taxes to them again I will remove my citizenship. They no longer provide me any services, in fact I’d argue they hurt me now more than they help me, and I want to become an EU citizen first and foremost.
I’ve always viewed countries as businesses which one should leave when their service and product is bad.
You still need a valid passport, and for becoming Citizen often further documents like birth certificates and certificates of the parents, no older than x-months and with an approval-stamp by the embassy, that these are indeed real documents.
I want more European game developers, so yeah good on you
Did you just job hunt over there and get a work visa?
I’ve got enough tech experience I probably could have. I’m going back to school though out of savings and going to get on a student visa
Where you going to? I’m a data engineer living in Malmö. I can help you get settled if you’re in Skåne
Interesting. How easy is it to stay over there if you go to school? Are the student visas hard to get?
I have to line up a job before I graduate because I don’t qualify for like a “just graduated give me some time to settle” visa, so that may be difficult. I don’t really know if the student visa is hard to get. I need to be accepted to school first then I can use that to make my visa application, so the timing is going to be pretty rushed. I’m going to have to set up moving and living, basically be in standstill for a bit waiting to see if I can pull the trigger, then hope the visa clears
You will like it, Sweden has a nice relaxed working culture where we actually care about how people feel at work.
Welcome home to the capital country of gaming!
Thank you! I’m so excited to make my way. Just hoping the US holds out long enough for me to make the move I’m definitely a bit scared with how fast it’s all happening here
I’m in the process of getting certified to be a nurse in New Zealand. Fuck this country.
I assume you’re taking a big hit salary-wise (a trade-off I would make, for the record).
Cost of living. You earn a lot less in Europe/ UK, but you pay far less to have a basic standard of living, and enjoy the safety net.
This is always said, I have seen the stats that prove it but I have just never come across people here that are as strapped and in debt as a lot of americans I meet. Not to mention the amount of additional taxes like state, county, huge property taxes. The numbers must add up, I wont deny the facts but how itnworks is beyond me
Well I’m going back to school there first to get an actual degree. After that though yeah I’m expecting to make around 1/3 what I am currently, between switching countries and going from automation engineering to level design. I think it’ll be a worthwhile trade-off too
If you take into account all the things you don’t have to pay, that salary is not that low
Out of interest, since moving continents is no small matter in my opinion; what makes that, and making a third in terms of salary vs the US, a worthwhile trade-off?
Lots of reasons over the years but the most immediately pressing is I’m trans so if the US starts black bagging people I’m high up there on the list
Ah gotcha yeah that makes a lot of sense! I hope that kind of bigotry dies out again soon but doesn’t look like its slowing down. I hope you can feel safe and be more like your true self now.
Not OP but like come on, look outside - the country is a roadside attraction. I wouldnt raise my kids there under any circumstance…so I guess safety is a consideration.
Yeah I know but didn’t want to assume. Some people have family roots for example. I do work with US colleagues and not all feel the need to move countries for example, which I find very interesting because it sure looks like a shit show to me. I’m not based in the US myself.
Certain stuff, and especially rent, is a lot cheaper in Europe, though.
It was a pretty big shock for us when so many of the Ukrainian refugees that arrived during recent years came in SUVs, and they looked quite new, too. But in Ukraine, one of Europe’s poorest countries by far, cars cost a lot less, too.
I’ve been saying it since 2016: the EU should start granting political asylum to people from the US.
I think we don’t want open entrance policies in place that would make it easier for MAGAs to come over. Best to have some kind of requirement which filters out the MAGAs as much as possible, say minimum education level to get a work or digital nomad visa or only people from “at risk groups” such as Transexuals qualifying for asylum.
Were I am now, Portugal, there’s pretty open immigration policy for Brazil with no actual minimum requirements and the result is that we imported a ton of far right muppets from there, to the point that in the last Brazilian Presidential election the proportion of voters for Bolsonaro in Portugal (as Brasilians can vote from abroad) was a lot larger than in Brasil - since Brasilians resident in Portugal can get Portuguese nationality after 5 years, this also help fuel the rise of the Far Right locally.
Having some kind of reasonably easy and fair system to filter out the Fascist assholes would be much better.
I moved from the U.S. to Germany in 2020.
My running joke since was wondering whether I’d be eligible for citizenship or asylum first….
Almost over the finish line for being eligible for citizenship, but I feel like asylum isn’t that far off.
You don’t need asylum if you are a legal resident. Asylum is the most insecure form of permit, especially in Germany, where the society is currently getting more and more hostile to migration, including labeling countries like Afghanistan as “safe countries of origin” and organizing deportations with the Taliban.
Hence the “joke” part….
Reverse the brain drain of the 1930s.
and 1940s
Sure, 1930s…
There are already a handful of good digital nomad (and other) visa options that are really tempting.
I haven’t done a TON of research here, just watched a lot of youtube videos discussing the process, daydreaming of placing some distance between myself and Trump. There are a handful of countries across Europe I’d jump at the chance to move to if there were reasonable odds to get permanent residence or citizenship.
omg then the EU as we know it wont exist for long if such policies were to be implemented.
because it would be full of people?
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Are you saying “they’re not sending their best”?
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You could move to East Asia or to Israel yourself. That is, if you’re intelligent enough.
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