As a zoomer myself, I’m afraid that this graph is inaccurate
Gen beta is based by this graph
Gen Z is the most cringe since the boomers. Your shit is breaking down into farts.
my parents are gen x and they are not based at all
I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume this graph was created by a GenZ’er as they are the only people in the world who don’t consider GenZ’ers cringe.
ITT: people taking a shitpost WAY too seriously
Super cringe to say cringe unironically in 2025. Clearly, OP must be either silent generation or gen X because they called them based. Gen Z know not to say cringe anymore. I would like to say shut the fuck but that is a waste of energy as OP is probably one of the silent generation, which I conclude based on the fact that OP refuses to elaborate on this post, which is a clear indicator that OP is silent.
Lots of groupings here. Applying current generational words as well. Good work!
Generational warfare is pretty cringe. The chart isn’t even right, too. X was the highest percentage voting for trump generationally. I’m ashamed of my brethren.
No u
Gen X is actually cringe and millennials are based.
No, this has nothing to do with me being a millennial. It’s cringe to even suggest that.
I agree, being a millennial, and having to see the cringe gen x elon musk news daily.
Idk kinda cringe
Guys I think we should take this shit post seriously and get into fights with strangers on the internet about generations in the comments.
Nah, that’s too cringe.
Being an ass on the internet is the most based thing a person can do. You’re cringe if you disagree. smh my head.
Pff, your generation…
Excuse me sir, is this the right room for an argument?
It is!
Fuck you.
Something something, you’re a boomer
incoherent babbling preceded by “back in my day”
You lie! It was never fashionable to hang an onion from your belt!
fuck the generational entelechy. No war but class war.
Yeah, took me a while to realise generational stereotypes etc. were more inflammatory culture war, as much as it often seems ‘in good spirits’.
Entelechy is a new word too ty
Now THIS is truely based
This meme brought to you by a gen zer.
Everyone is cringe. This is just life.
Yup as soon as I saw gen Z based I knew. 5-10 years ago this would have been the opposite, it’s always the generation of new adults that thinks they’re hip and cool while looking down on the “kids”. When I was younger we (millennials) all thought we were the coolest and made fun of gen Z for being cringe. Now gen Z thinks they’re cool but soon enough they’ll be old and lame too and gen Alpha will have the spotlight.
Just wait till a kid hits you with “sir” for the first time and then looks at you weird when you insist you’re not that old.