Do we want them to participate in the planning. Before you know it they sell the plans (and everything else) to Putin. I think it is time we start to treat them as a untrustworthy nation.
Just for anyone who still holds out hope: NATO as we have known it is over. The US won’t come to the defense of the other members if they are attacked. It’s time to move on.
They’re not just not coming to the defence, they’re mobilizing for war. It’s very clear.
This was Putin’s goal. Destabilize NATO. Crumbling US alliances is just the cherry on top.
We are losing long friends and close allies.
All because a plurality of voters want to feel powerful.
Even if it’s for a brief moment.
Then we should stop allowing them using Rammstein as a Hub to meddle in Middle East and Africa.
No cherrypicking
How quickly can that infrastructure be moved to Hungary?
Depends what you mean? The dedicated pipelines and other stuff probably not very fast. Everything that is not bolted down, probably quite fast.
But I don’t know if China and Putler appreciate a big US Base there.
Putler would love it. He knows he can call on the seppos now.
Yes, but if a sane candidate gets reelected (fingers crossed) he has a big US Base near the Ukrainian (or hopefully not Russian) Border. That would be a huge own goal
What election?
Well let’s hope for the best case that there will be one, when his 4 years are over
It seems ever less likely the US will participate in the NATO summit in The Hague. Too bad for Mark, though people living and working there will probably not mind.
Looking more and more likely to see US folks in the Hague for vastly different reasons in the future…
This works out well because its likely best we have no intel on it.
what even is their goal? just yet i refuse to believe there is none and that theyre just dumb, because theyre obviously not.
america first for every price? but would it not be better to trade with us and have us as allies versus china and russia? we would spend our money and work together so its all more efficient.
It has nothing to do with “America First”, if so then dismantling the entire US superpower hegemony and its alliances would be a contraproductive move.
This has everything to do with “Russia First”.
I strongly disagree. They are actually very dumb and there is no grand strategy at play here. While everyone tries to understand the sense behind the erratic decisions, there really is not much to understand at all. It’s as simple as “we don’t want to spend money on European defense anymore”, so all activities related to that are stopped, without any regard to the consequences.
The goal is to turn USA into a puppet state for Russia. Trump is going to try to cancel elections and ultimately Americans will be drafted to fight for Russia. Assuming trump has his way.
The voters are stupid, all they see is “america first fuck yeah!” They don’t understand or care about the consequences
Had a nice long chat with a customer at work about what all she’s growing, how she’s doing it. Talked about cars and what her and my wife drive, how well they worked out. Very pleasant.
As she was breaking off the conversation she said, “And we’re taking America back! Isn’t that great! We’re taking it back!”
I had no idea how to reply, strange for me. Taking what back from who and how and what the fuck does that even mean?
Yes. They’re that dumb and they’ll keep being dumb until the consequences hit them in the face. Personally.