Considering the fact the doing good will not earn you anything in anyway and that if you are not a millionaire or billionaire your good acts won’t matter at all.

What’s the point?

I had seen with my own eyes good people being manipulated and fucked because they did something good, on the other hand it’s pretty rare for evil people to face any consequences.

Why should I restrict my free hands with ethics and why should I think about it?

Just a note: I am a deist, so I don’t believe that doing good will get you anything in the after life.

    5 days ago

    Anytime you do something good, you lose something of yours in doing so, be it time, attention, wealth, etc. Having good done to you, you only gain.

    That being said, good acts, and evil outcomes are not transactions, and thinking about it that way only leads to the belief that life is a zero sum game.

    Sure society full of Evils exists, but they’re not stable. Do you want to live in such a society? Or do you want to live in one where the people do good?

    Obviously you’re thinking of living in a good society, but then not contributing your part - but that’s how a society slowly turns Evil, from the absence of Good. You can try chasing the good society, but as more good societies see your non-existent good acts, the harder it will be for you to join.