Thoroughly enjoying watching DS9 as I’m halfway through the series now. Here are a few of my favourite scenes from Season 5 Episode 6 ‘Trials and Tribble-ations’.

Digital CGI and special effects are pretty much the norm in film and shows these days but these are scenes produced in 1996 when effects like this were possible but still not easy to do. I really got a kick out what they were able to recreate to make this episode. A really fun watch indeed!

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.caOP
    3 months ago

    I could sense they must have had a hell of time putting it together too … between the complex editing and CGI that would have been a mountain of work to pull off in 1996 … figuring out how to squeeze the scenes together to make a storyline … then mix in the fact that Klingons make an appearance with Worf having to blandly brush it all away by saying ‘we don’t talk about it’ … and trying to shoehorn in Sisko sharing a scene with Kirk … it all works but just barely.

    Now I understand why so many people complain about it. If you can appreciate the constraints they had in making this, I think it’s an amazing episode.

    Loved the editing they did with the bar fight scene … they were careful to mix a curly haired Klingon from the original footage to be fighting hand to hand with modern O’Brien.

      • IninewCrow@lemmy.caOP
        3 months ago

        I’m not sure but from the little I’ve heard of it up until now, it is a liked and loved episode. I think it’s one of those things that turned out great that some people feel a need to push back on the praise.