• 133arc585@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Again what kind of sanctions do you think China could place on Africa or any other country? Its easy to say they don’t sanction when they aren’t in a position to sanction.

    You’re not doing anything here by dealing in hypotheticals without basis. Why should I assume China would sanction countries, if only they were in such a position? Just because the West behaves so maliciously? Moreover, why do you think they aren’t in a position to sanction? What would need to change for them to be in such a position?

    Let’s say they aren’t in a position to sanction per se; they still have other power due to the fact that they own the debt. The fact that instead of causing collapse and destruction via debt-trapping, China has forgiven and restructured a large number of loans, is even more evidence that your paranoic hypotheticals are just that: paranoid. Someone having the capacity or means to do bad doesn’t mean they will.

    Why do you feel the need to defend a superpower like China?

    I’m defending someone who’s stated goal is mutual aid, and whose actions help validate their stated goal. I’m also defending them in the comparative context where they’re put against alternatives such as the IMF, not in a vacuum.