For those interested in the Vision Pro, let me know what questions you have about the device. I’ll be getting mine this afternoon and will be trying out all the features.
Here are some helpful links:
Apple User Guide
- How long can you comfortably wear it?
To be honest though, I’m more interested in the type of person who wants one. I’m not judging, I just don’t understand why a healthy* adult would want one in it’s current state.
- What are you going to be doing with it? Work? Consuming content? Etc.
- This might be too personal but, are you single? do you have a partner? Kids? If you live with literally anyone else, how do you feel the dynamics will change, if at all, when you throw a Vision Pro into the mix?
*if someone has a disability, yeah, VR and AR might really help them out in their day to day activities, especially with the eye tracking tech it has. Even being able to see environments that they might not normally get to experience in real life would probably be pretty novel
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As someone who is virtually blind without glasses, how does it work for those of us that have to wear glasses?
I have PSVR2, but until I get my new prescription and a special pair of glasses that fit into the headset I am unable to use it.
Wearing glasses with the Vision Pro is not really an option. You need a pretty tight fit for it to work properly. There are prescription magnetic inserts that can be ordered for $149.
I’m nearsighted, and the inserts I purchased are extremely easy to put in and remove. You would need to check if they can work with your prescription.
Thanks. This has been the most disappointing thing for me with vr headsets.
also you may try contact lenses?
Due to the damage of my eye I have been told they are not an option.