So, can you tell me in your own words what scene(s) in the film makes you think this Randian interpretation is valid?
I’ve seen this film more than most people (it’s my favorite movie; I’ve seen it probably two dozen times since it released), and I am comfortable discussing any scene wherein you think the viewer’s takeaway is meant to be that “the unexceptional are intimidated by exceptional people and force them to perform inadequacy for the comfort of others and how this is a net loss for society.”
Yes it’s a very common take but I don’t think it’s correct. Bob basically makes this exact speech when arguing with Helen in the house, and then proceeds to nearly get his entire family killed to sate his own ego. Syndrome is literally a consequence of Bob’s superiority complex not allowing him to treat a normal person with dignity.
So, can you tell me in your own words what scene(s) in the film makes you think this Randian interpretation is valid?
I’ve seen this film more than most people (it’s my favorite movie; I’ve seen it probably two dozen times since it released), and I am comfortable discussing any scene wherein you think the viewer’s takeaway is meant to be that “the unexceptional are intimidated by exceptional people and force them to perform inadequacy for the comfort of others and how this is a net loss for society.”
Yes it’s a very common take but I don’t think it’s correct. Bob basically makes this exact speech when arguing with Helen in the house, and then proceeds to nearly get his entire family killed to sate his own ego. Syndrome is literally a consequence of Bob’s superiority complex not allowing him to treat a normal person with dignity.