I recently set up a LLM to run locally on my desktop. Now that the novelty of setting it up and playing with different settings has worn off, I’m struggling to come up with actual uses for it. What do you use it for when not doing work stuff?

  • Willie
    53 months ago

    There’s not really any use for them. There are really no tasks they can help a normal person with in their everyday. I guess you could talk to it like it’s a person, but that’s sad, and is probably unhealthy, and you should probs just talk to a real person instead.

    Now if you do some specialized tasks, like programming, but aren’t very good, I guess I can see some use for them.

    I’m having trouble seeing any uses for them beyond those though.

    • @667
      13 months ago

      I use it in my everyday life to answer specific questions I would have ordinarily used google to find the answers, and all without having to wade through 10 sponsored ads and 50 unrelated Etsy links.