It was a production by his show “ZDF Magazin Royale”. They funded it with the Rundfunkbeitrag (fee for the state public service broadcaster (radio and television)), a fee every German household has to pay monthly, around 19€
It was a production by his show “ZDF Magazin Royale”. They funded it with the Rundfunkbeitrag (fee for the state public service broadcaster (radio and television)), a fee every German household has to pay monthly, around 19€
Search for the public funded German porn by Jan Böhmermann. Quite artsy as well. Maybe need a VPN to access it though
That is, as always, the problem: it works for them. The average Joe isn’t going to implement a new filter into ublock… Interesting video why dynamic difficulty isn’t the holy grail. Hope they leave it in as an option and don’t force it on the player