If you used pandoc hen you were programming your thesis. ;-)
If you used pandoc hen you were programming your thesis. ;-)
It depends on what you want to achieve.
Vi and it’s descendants are brilliant editors for a programmer but not for writing prose. So stay away from them. ;-)
Do you want just to write text without being distracted by an overwhelming gui or are you fine with the hint at options?
Do you want to write in a terminal?
How much do you want to format while typing? By typing the format commands into the text or by clicking on buttons or ctrl-key magic?
Do you need version control?
For each of your combination of answers there are different solutions.
How much precision do you want to achieve?
As a vegan, get an angry upvote!
I used testing for ages, it is really stable. Only the phase after a feature freeze for the release of a stable version can be a bit shaky. For some weeks I just change my repos to the stable version.
That is standard in all of Debian, just get it as a flatpack.
That is one point, but I thought of the rescue guys who have to go into the wall to pick up the body. Can be in a very unsafe place. Or the other drivers on the road in the case of driving a motorcycle at the limit.
I can understand the joy of bringing your body to go to the boundary and a bit beyond. For me it end far before tackling a cliff. More like balancing over a beam across a creek. But I can’t understand how one can take the risk of your own death or the harm of others.
Same story, same tips, but I started with SuSE Linux 4.3 in 1996. Just try stuff, read the error messages, read docs and ask. A lot of peaople who know stuff are happy to help out of altruism or the chance to show off. ;-)
It got really hot and the colours changed.
It has a bit more water just now.