Banned for being linked to Russian state, or for being Russian? Lol those are very very different
Banned for being linked to Russian state, or for being Russian? Lol those are very very different
I feel offended by you somehow equalizing perl and lisp
This a much better done meme
The other one before makes zero sense
Sorry to that guy, but Python is a terrible choice for GUI. It simply doesn’t even exist in the wild, except in newbies’ minds. You should pick something that allows you to* easily & immediately* reload your GUI in progress without restarting the program; AND also maybe think about how to distribute your GUI on other computers without requiring them to duplicate your python setup
So they posted that screenshot before even trying to run it on some useless file to see it works… Internet points are surely a drug
Did they pay every news outlet out there to publish stupid titles? That’s not a fucking apology. Stop pretending
Unfortunately sometimes the code base is fuckd up beyond repair, it can’t even be tested. that’s why i submitted 3000 line PR ☠️
it’s «la torture» tho …
Okey that definitely explains it