It was more of a travel segment skip than a timeskip really, the year advanced by one which could mean only a month or two passed, and they had to cross half the world.
It was more of a travel segment skip than a timeskip really, the year advanced by one which could mean only a month or two passed, and they had to cross half the world.
Lovely show so far, but I’ll be a bit disappointed if Miyo never develops any supernatural powers. Her being talentless was an important initial plot device, but now it’s been cashed in so I hope she gets a magic of her own to match her fiance and archrival.
I’m having a good time even on an 11th gen mobile Intel processor with its iGPU. For more demanding games I use FSR to get much more bang for buck from the iGPU, on Linux it’s pretty easy to activate in almost any game. On a side note, Waydroid (with libhoudini) also has excellent performance on this setup.
Why not install SteamOS or plain Arch Linux on the GPD devices then?
There are good things to be said about the Ally, but I find the soon-to-be-released GPD handhelds more interesting. Both are officially stated to support SteamOS (which means plain Arch and possibly other distros should also work great) and offer something different from the Deck and Ally in that the GPD Win4 is much more compact, and the GPD Max 2 has a much larger display.
Kyoukai no Kanata ED drops even more powerfully in the film version.