Developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers!
Developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers, developers!
They call it the war of northern aggression. There “ain’t nothing civil about it”.
Hey thanks for introducing me to Midinous! That looks awesome. Yes, the sounds from VCV can border on industrial vibration at best.
And I’ve had the same fleeting dream of buying hardware, but who knows, indeed.
This is totally fascinating reading all the replies.
I love making bleeps and bloops using VCV rack and Mirack on iOS. The flexibility of modular synths in the digital realm is so much fun! And no one can do 5 minutes of conversation about it. Admittedly it’s pretty dense.
I must be weird. I kinda like it. It keeps the grease and heat away from the rest of the prep space.
Sounds like you don’t need a technological solution but a social one.
Have them check in a personal item to receive the forklift keys such as their wallet, photo ID, or car keys.
And it’s free, just slower and requires some paperwork.
Cold turkey. I trad an interesting crosspost back-and-forth about the new gold deprecation thing, but other than that, no. 
You would think a hijab is more sanitary than hair in a food service place.