Fwiw, on my m3 + max ram, I also was recording 1080p 30-ish minute obs videos for a while running large Ableton Live project playback + a facecam, and (while I don’t remember specs specifics) I didn’t find it to be unstable. I don’t do heavy video editing, so I’m not sure about the requirements, but for obs in 1080, it felt fine for me. I think I also exported some edited 4k footage at one point though, and I seem to remember rendering that one took a solid amount of time, so if you think you might move to 4k, pro might be more appropriate.
But I remember having specs reservations when getting my air, and I have not regretted it at all. Especially when I see my friends lug around their monster of a laptop. Those pro machines are thicc
So people often comment on my extremely straight teeth, but it’s actually because I didn’t see the dentist for many years, it turns out that I grind my teeth, and so now my canines are flat. My dentist said I have teeth like someone in their sixties, and now I wear a mouth guard when I sleep to prevent further degradation.