I’m trying to figure out how to contact DuckDuckGo, so they can redirect the !mcwiki command to the new site, but no luck so far. EDIT: Nevermind, I found the form.
I’m trying to figure out how to contact DuckDuckGo, so they can redirect the !mcwiki command to the new site, but no luck so far. EDIT: Nevermind, I found the form.
Probably to better highlight the local differences for both areas. The entire scale is significantly higher for the bottom map.
I used to play Audiosurf for every new CD I bought. Good times.
Roomba boss level.
With the way the prices have risen, it’s nearly “no fast food for the poor” already anyway…
It also could be that they are drive-through only. I live in a small town in the midwestern U.S. and a lot of fast-food places around here closed their lobbies during the pandemic and just never reopened them after, usually citing worker shortages.
Microsoft always has such a weird relationship with naming conventions… just look at Xbox and all of its descendants.
Gimli as Debian seems fitting (coming from a Debian user). 😆 Something about stability and stoutness.
DuckDuckGo has a page for adding or updating !bang commands (used to redirect searches to other sites). I requested they change which URL !mcwiki searches get directed to, using the minecraft.wiki search pattern instead of the gamepedia or fandom one. https://duckduckgo.com/newbang