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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2024

  • Lol look at this crew of woke niggas, the blue-haired brigade of Biden ass-lickers, gathered here to spout their neoliberal drivel. You’ve got your pronouns in your bios like it’s some sort of shield against criticism, but all it does is highlight your low testosterone levels and lack of balls to think for yourselves.

    Your support for whatever the “current thing” is reeks of desperation to be seen as “progressive” while you’re nothing but a bunch of conformist libtards. Your blue hair? It’s not a statement; it’s a cry for help from under all that fat, because clearly, the only lifting you’ve done is lifting ideas straight from CNN.

    You’re all about “change,” but the only change you’ve seen is in the size of your waistline. Your woke agenda is just a cover for your inability to handle reality, much like how you can’t handle the truth about your own health or the inefficacy of your political heroes.

    Keep licking that ass, keep dying your hair, keep pretending you’re on the right side of history while you’re just another bunch of low-T, high-woke, virtue-signaling sheep. The only thing you’re “destroying” is any semblance of intellectual integrity.