Oh I thought the American dream was having crony capitalism destroy your small business and send you to work at the Walmart that replaced you. Only to have to rely on government benefits because its the only job in 50 miles and it pays $7.50 an hour.
Thats the rural american dream baby. Sprinkle some opioids on it. It’s glorious.
Unfortunately NOAA is the program under attack by Dear Leader Mangolini. So enjoy while you can. This will pretty much give you a 24 hour heads up on the big storms, it shows the strength and the location. You’d be suprised what you can pick up if you’re within 100 miles of some red spots on that map. Solar storms are hard to predict because its energy traveling from the sun at the speed of light. I’m just a photographer so hopefully we’ve got some science types to fill in the more technical aspects. I keep a laymans understanding of this stuff but probably not worth sharing.
This was that big storm back in October, we’ll get a lot of light green stuff. But it takes a big storm to get a deep red out here. This is shot an hour south of New Brunswick so not to far away!
Ah can’t wait to re-segregate the education system. I will have ridden the busses of desegregation, and my children shall ride them back to segregation! The south will rise again apparently.
comparing US to mexico was not the point. Mexico city is beautiful and modern however, comparable to new york city in my book.
Japan is much nicer than the USA in almost every aspect. I really enjoyed traveling around Japan. I spent most of my time in third world countries, and still found a lot of aspects comparable. You know most of the world has nicer airports than us?
Well stated, thisis the conclusion i have come to as well. We lost an information war we did not know we were fighting.
Hey dude how does one fail to commit a genocide for 85 year while actively trying? With a massive power imbalance?
Plenty of Democrats are voting to put trump nominees in office, plenty are voting on partisan spending bills. The CR vote should tip you off that any democrat is not better than any republican… half of them are complicit too. 10 Senate Dems just financed this authoritarian takeover.