I literally came here to say this. Im so happy someone beat me to the punch lmao.
I literally came here to say this. Im so happy someone beat me to the punch lmao.
If anyone hasnt, i fully recommend the Channel 5 w/ Andrew Callaghan episode where they travel to West Bank/Israel and get real eyewitness accounts of everything. There is a full segment there by an American journalist that was targeted by israel among a bunch of other journalists. Israel is without a doubt committing war crimes.
Okay I’ve done the free discord nitro a couple of times and i gotta say… It was surprisingly easy to cancel. Billing and subscriptions tab in discord —> nitro subscription cancel service button. Thats it. It’s hardly as bad as the rest of them, and so it is a little surprising seeing them go to court over it.
I understand the point in OPs post, but I disagree with it based upon evidence we have available to us. I think first and foremost it is important to mention (I dont have the studies linked but it shouldnt be hard to find) that teenage drug use overall is trending downward, with that including underage alcohol use/abuse. If younger generations use it less, the problems caused by alcoholism will be less prevalent as time goes on. Secondly, weve been putting up with drunk drivers for a while but (as our younger generations have been told for about 20 years now) the consequences for drunk or impaired operation of a motor vehicle have become more and more severe. I do believe alcoholism is something that can and will be phased out given enough time. The only thing that is still a mystery is what vice is going to replace it, and whether it is going to be better or worse.
If you look at the one side of the political spectrum that seems to be usurping power over here, they fucking LOVE guns. It wouldnt surprise me that if they got violent, it would be armed heavily with firearms. This is the exact response i would expect from would be victims of aforementioned gun violence. in the words of my constituion and bible humping american brethren, we shall NOT BE VICTIM TO A TYRANNICAL STATE!
Spoonful after spoonful of cereal with milk. Nothing worse
Shallow, maybe. But accurate? Absolutely
I have this great idea to stop an increase in organized retail theft and violence against workers. STOP PRICE GOUGING GROCERIES AND PEOPLE WILL STOP STEALING THEM!
Stacking items and having it only take up one inventory slot in our backpack!
Pay for what you consume is a fantastic idea for a service that hasnt been free for it’s lifetime, and only really grew popular because it was free. Just like every other company, it seems YT would rather keep squeezing every last cent out of the consumer in hopes of a “record profit year!”.
He might have, i dont know enough about it to comment. But he definitely is making content again, and its very high quality for how low budget it is.