I’m a chemist and I really like when my friends bring me their science questions because I get to stretch my knowledge, show off a bit, and have a conversation. I’d be a little offended if I learned they googled and watched a crash course.
I’m a chemist and I really like when my friends bring me their science questions because I get to stretch my knowledge, show off a bit, and have a conversation. I’d be a little offended if I learned they googled and watched a crash course.
Saaaaaame. When she played in my city I only liked Photo ID so I skipped her show, but now I have that, Sugar, Cinderella, Anthony Kedis, and Hello Hello Hello on HEAVY rotation.
If your reaction to “Men can be threatening to women.” Is “Wow all men are murderers I guess we can’t talk to them anymore thanks feminism.” You’re probably a little too emotional for internet access.
You have some impressive storytelling skill. Have you considered writing a book?