Very well written and put together. Thanks! None of this is new. But I am still saving your comment as bookmark, because it’s so concise.
Very well written and put together. Thanks! None of this is new. But I am still saving your comment as bookmark, because it’s so concise.
Well there’s hope that it incentivices the American people to revolt or revolution. So…yay?
Just take the T
Yeah as the others have written, the withdrawal off venlafaxin is rough. If I could change one thing in my life it would be to taper it off for half a year or more. I took it out too quickly I think and dealt with the symptoms of withdrawal for months.
Bupropion for me was the first antidepressants that seemed to really work while still making me feel human. Lots of bad stuff didn’t happen. Now I’m slowly getting rid of it. It’s gonna take me months this time… Good luck with it. Everyone’s experience is gonna be different.
Don’t worry. The others will follow their big daddies. Germany will probably follow. And with Germany, must of the EU, unless they want to anger Germany and not get any funding…
“raises risk of war”???!? The ATTACK raises the risk of war?! How deluded must someone be to write that. Is it not war if a nation straight up shoots missiles at another country??
I know your point. Access to professional help is a privilege that few have.
I think next best thing is socialising. There’s probably groups in your area (see social media for that, meetup, Facebook, forums) that meet up and talk. I highly recommend in-person meetings. Also I tried giving my body some help with food. Carbs give you some serotonin.
Damn that’s a strong text. Thank you for that. That really moved me
The more I aged, the more “hopes and dreams” I gave up on. I guess that’s the normal human experience. You might want to be a pro in sports or a dancer or a famous doctor…but then you grow out of the age where reaching those is possible (dancing goes first…).
Other than that, I’ve given up on so many hopes, only to then later get back to them. Like the hope of connecting to people, or to make art, to teach,…those and more are things I gave up on and later readopted.
So give up hope, but it might just come back :)
please don’t shit in my shower
I usually just use a nearby shop to get my pictures printed. If I need anything better, I order online
Imagine saying “it dishonours the victims” to one of the actual victims
It works in-game. I can’t speak to the real life
i don’t know what you’ve been smoking, but every day is a lifetime of men.
Remember how many people made fun of those bumper stickers that said “when the last tree has been felled” and stuff like that? Yeah seems like they were right. It “may” represent a turning point, after a hurricane…
Original is 40x40 inches, oil on linen. It’s worth looking at on a big screen. Amazing work
alright. not a lot of interaction here. so I’ll keep posting about this hell-about
That’s from the ISRAELI maker of the movie. Who feels unsafe in Germany. But his movie documenting the real going-ons is antisemitism? Fuck off, Germany. Sincerely, a German.