It’s not likely they would. The US did some fucked up stuff, but (in this case) didn’t try to hide it…
It’s not likely they would. The US did some fucked up stuff, but (in this case) didn’t try to hide it…
Is goof off just acetone (nail polish remover)?
I like Goo Gone myself, especially for stickers and preserving what is underneath, rather than just melting everything. It is super effective and kinda smells like oranges
there is also 3M adhesive remover, though I dont have as much experience with it.
Divide, divide, divide.
Get us fighting each other and we wont notice we are being bled dry.
This was my take as well. They only realized the MAGA folks were racist when they called Indians filthy.
When they were calling mexicans rapists and murders 😴
When they said africa was full of shithole countries 😴
I could go on, but it is kinda exhausting. Coming up next is the working class people when they start getting called white trash. Its coming once they consolidate enough power and dont need them anymore.
This presupposes there is some music you stopped listening to after high school, Im with you, I still listen to a bunch of that stuff. Some not as often as others, but it brings back memories. I was a metal head though and there was a lot of great 90s metal.
Sounds like you are too blunt. Never tell them no. Listen to their problem and just reply with a ‘Id have to look into that’, or an ‘I can come over when I get a chance’. If they persist, have a couple projects they can help you out with and tell them 'sorry Id love to help, but Im (going to the dump / painting the kitchen / gotta do seasonal yard work / etc). If they offer to help you, then you are kinda on the hook to help them. If they dont follow through… you can subtly bring it up (still gotta move that couch). You dont have to be a dick about it. It can be fun messing with folks.
Honestly I’m tech support for some people, but I need help with some of the more advanced stuff, so I have a tech guy too.
My brother loves his xterra so much he is on his 3rd (first was an accident, second went to the ex in the divorce). I rarely ride in it, but it seems kinda like a rattle trap to me. I dont know how much of that is his abuse and how much is the car.
According to Bloomberg, Johann Rupert told the conference to bear in mind that when the poor rise up, the middle classes won’t want to buy luxury goods for fear of exposing their wealth.
“How is society going to cope with structural unemployment and the envy, hatred and the social warfare?” he said. “We are destroying the middle classes at this stage and it will affect us. It’s unfair. So that’s what keeps me awake at night.”
… its almost comical how he thinks of this. The first thought is his businesses wont be able to sell luxury to anyone but the ultra wealthy.
you should check this out too…
the pardon is for tax and gun charges, right? no drug charges?
at this point I don’t give a fuck, I just don’t want to hear the words “democrat” and “strategist” in the same sentence anymore.
White bean chili is one of my favorites.
Sometimes we might not do a great job because we didn’t know what we were doing and other times we were geniuses because we had messed up so many times before that we finally figured out how to do it right.
As I grow older, I find this is how you become an ‘expert’. You start not knowing how to do it, then you figure out all the wrong ways to do it by doing it wrong. Eventually, when you have messed it up in more ways than anyone else you know which paths not to take and you are then the expert.
its all about Maggot Twat
what is the mass arbitration lawsuit about? Is it, as dual_sport_dork’s article suggests, an antitrust lawsuit? If that is the case… I’d rather claw back the ability to sue directly (small claims, yay!). If valve is accused of something else Id love to hear about it.
for real tho… love that story. RIP Harlan.
If y’all have worked with silicone oil, yea it works kinda like this (depending on viscosity).
It creeps up out of containers, it creeps up walls. It gets everywhere.
constraining a CAD model and communicating tolerances like datum, or runout vs cylindricity are very different things.
A Solid Model (CAD) file (while very useful) doesn’t contain all the information you need to convey what a good part is. There are an innumerable amount of things you want to convey to the manufacturer what you are looking for, from masking parts of a surface, to how parts need to be packaged, to which of the dimensions are the most important and how you should measure them (GDT etc).
There are services out there that you just upload a solidpart file and they give you a price. They are highly automated, cheap and quick. The parts are not high quality. Often their standard tool sets cant machine a feature. They communicate that and you have to make other arrangements, either alter your design, or plan on doing some post processing. I was actually supposed to place an order with one today, but had some problems with capability so I am altering the design to accommodate those limitations.
Its sad, but good machinists are a dying breed.
Usually the soap dispenser is above
Common in factories where lots of people need to wash their hands at the same time.