…as was the case in 1933 Germany…
Lichess.org is the best website to play and study chess on, hands down, and it’s entirely Libre/FOSS, with zero ads or trackers (e. g. read here: https://lichess.org/about).
Thanks for the correction! That’s a nice bit of additional trivia which I wasn’t aware of even though I’ve seen the tea party cartoon a thousand times. :)
Here it is, for reference: https://assets.amuniversal.com/9ed15af0deb801317193005056a9545d
Welcome to the Calvin & Hobbes universe! Hobbes is shown as a stuffed animal anytime a human other than Calvin is in the picture.
Original art (paintings and sculptures) by local artists. They csn be checked out for three months at a time. It’s really nice to have some original art in your home even if it it’s not by a big name.
Also, I can easily access most of my country’s important newspapers’ online articles that are normally behind a paywall.
Ah, a fellow Krabbé connoisseur!
Libgen and scihub have done more for science than any of those shitty journal publishers.
True. But it’s still three men named in the list of Nobel Prize winners, when a woman first made the actual discoveries. So even if there was no foulplay, it’s important to shine a light on women like Franklin.
Haha, I see. Good on you!
See also Rosalind Franklin who first discovered DNA’s double helix structure (three men later received the Nobel Prize for this finding).
And more examples here.
The Village
O Brother Where Art Thou
Pride and Prejudice
Shutter Island
to name a few.
Tbh I think I can understand why people do it. For some using various substances are a quick and simple way to relax/numb unwanted emotions/etc… Some start because of peer pressure. For others it’s just learned behaviour (you’re more likely to become a smoker if your parents are).
Personally, I’ve never as much as tried cigarettes because it just never appealed to me and I had mostly non-smoking friends and family. But I definitely have other bad habits I shouldn’t have gotten into and have trouble getting rid of, so I get the feeling.
Wait, even as a child? Where are you from if I may ask?
Never have I ever as much as tried anything you can smoke (cigarettes, joints, shisha…).
Only interesting if you’re romantically attracted to women, though.
One thing I love is that he still hasn’t managed to come up with a nickname for Kamala Harris that sticks. He’s tried Kamabla which failed miserably, and this “Comrade Kamala” is bound to fail too. I can guarantee it bugs him.
It seems like more and more internet spaces are being taken over by bots. At some point the internet will just be AI talking to itself, while humans will return entirely to offline communication.
Sounds nice enough, but not really like an outsider position among the Founding Fathers. OP seemed to be saying that Paine differed substantially from the others in some way, which I would be interested to learn about (not American either, I only have cursory knowledge of the Founding Fathers).