You’re an alien… And a nerd.
You’re an alien… And a nerd.
Same here and with an Optimus configuration ( NVIDIA + Intel GPU ). Work flawlessly on my Fedora.
Or simply life ^^
Comet support achievements and are already usable with Heroic if you launch it yourself.
Cloud saves are already supported by Heroic ; Comet can already be used if you launch it yourself but will be integrated in the package in the future. Comet support online features and achievements. Heroic + Comet = Gog Galaxy
I use Heroic for installation, updates and cloud saves, and Comet for online and achievements functionnalities, no need for Galaxy via wine anymore.
Minetest with mineclonia ; Dead Cells ; 0A.D. with my childrens ; Grim Dawn with Reign of Terror mod and Zombasite
my favorite daw is renoise. The sample management is excellent (it’s a tracker) and it manages VST perfectly well.
I used Jerboa and then Eternity, now I use Voyager which I think is very good and stable. I’ve never tried Thunder.
Well… Earth Defense Force 6 is coming.
Ouch ! It’s a tough one.
I hand write on my Onyx Boox Nova Air e- ink tablet : the best of the two worlds.
It’s a fantastic game. The feeling of lonelyness is incredible. Best liminal game ever.
This is great, as usual ! I like the “retro vibe” of your work, it’s refreshing and strangely “relaxing”, thank you ^^