I’ve tried a few explicitly battlestar galactica themed dogfighters but they didn’t scratch the itch like House of the Dying Sun, i think its the deep drums in the soundtrack that I crave
I’ve tried a few explicitly battlestar galactica themed dogfighters but they didn’t scratch the itch like House of the Dying Sun, i think its the deep drums in the soundtrack that I crave
forgot Night in the Woods even though its my usernamesake smh
need Hylics emotes asap. :somsnosa:
in no particular order, but I love that my list is coincidentally all different gameplay genres
me going for another run in Balatro
I got star citizen cuz the real-distances of planets and moons and all that was very cool to me, so while I did have fun flying around looking at the temperature gauge on different moons, i realized it wasn’t really going anywhere and it sucks that science stuff is probably the least developed part of the game and likely wont change for a while, for all the reasons ive seen you talk about. Need capitalism to end so we can get better space science sims
I’m basically addicted to nutritional yeast at this point, ill put it on anything savoury like rice bowls and pasta and curry and potatoes no hesitation. Last blood test I even had excess b12, breaking vegan stereotypes lets go.