Operation Gideon didn’t fail, we failed these brave men by letting them rot in prison.
POW/MIA (Pissing Outta Weiner/Micturating In Anxiety) you are not forgotten
You would be peeing your pants too if you were about to enter a SOCIALIST prison, tough guy.
The urine archipelago
Our Big Wet Boys
What even was their plan?
Get captured by fishers and piss their pants
Regime change
They will welcome us as liberators
There were supposed to be more of them and they were gonna mount an insurrection like a right wing version of the Cuban revolution.
Someone took the money and ran though, and when the cash dried up, the only people they could gather were the hardcore ideologues and thus they didn’t have the manpower to overcome a fishing crew they ran into while trying to make a landing.
Lmao man I love things I learn on this site. This failed coup really is
for some reason i remember them on the sand. are there two?!?
Pissing in my own face outside the Socialist Fish House