It’s TruckersMP for me because it’s built on .NET libraries and I can’t get truckersmp-cli to load my DLCs for whatever reason :|
As an architect, let me know once Linux supports autodesk products and adobe products. Until then I gotta stick with windows.
Autodesk I understand but the adobe suite sucks major donkey balls anyway
Literally just steam VR in home streaming is all I need to fully dump windows.
Video games.
video games work pretty well in general
Lmao stealing this
Indeed it is brother… indeed it is.
shitty anticheat protected games where the dev has specifically chose to block linux?
Unfortunately, my vr headset requires a piece of middleware that is not Linux compatible. But, by the time 10 LTSC reaches end of life, Deckard should be available for purchase.
Also, I’ll need to re-pirate substance painter for avatar work, as GenP doesn’t do Linux either.
What headset? Most headsets work fine now. I had some issues with an old WMR headset (HP Reverb G2), but even Windows doesn’t support WMR anymore so it’s basically dead. Went with a Quest 3 eventually and it works great with WiVRn (ALVR works as well, but it’s a bit more clunky).
Pimax. Fantastic FOV, but wide and clunky, and the rest is just meh.
I side-loaded Mint for a couple hours just to goof around, and then . . . never booted Windows again, quite literally forgot it was installed three days later
Sounds just like my last dual boot setup, as well.
I believe I said “I’ll just boot back to Windows next time I want to play…this game…that just launched and played perfectly under Proton…or…this other game…which also works…huh…”
When you’re Canadian, European or basically not a US citizen, that alone should be enough reason not to use windows…don’t give your money to greedy corporate overlords of a dictatorship
I’m going to give you the secret to switching. Go all AMD for your build, and leave everything you know about Windows software and how it works at the door. Learn to use Linux. Expecting it and Linux software to work like Windows is the pitfall.
To be fair. In my experience, everything mostly does work like in windows. But I always think it’s like attributing Windows switching to Linux as Mac to Windows.
Mac users are used to not dealing with the registry, lusrmgr, local group policies in the same way Windows users aren’t used to dealing with fstab, grub, proton, wine, various desktop environment tweaks.
hdr and mod organiser 2
I feel like a stuck record saying this, but if there was a serious contender to Group Policy on Linux I honestly think Windows in the workplace would be dead in five years.
I’m convinced everyone on Lemmy works IT
I’m convinced they all live in the moms’ basement eating chicken tendies.
I guess both of these are confessions then
Negative. Windows on Desktop uses vendor lock-in to maintain it’s user base. It’s been that way for nearly 30 years. People only think they are choosing Windows themselves. Anywhere Microsoft can not enforce vendor lock-in, Linux dominates. Even IoT, a brand new market (well it was brand new ten years ago), 80% dominated by Linux. Microsoft had to make Windows free for IoT and 9" or less devices just to try and be competitive. People only think everything is made for Windows, because OEMs are forced to sell a Windows license with every PC or lose their volume licensing deals. That means every OEM has to spend engineering dollars on Windows drivers, software, and testing. When your business has very thin margins, you can’t afford to have second or even third engineering efforts for competitor OSes. Imagine how Linux would be if PC companies were spending engineering dollars on Linux for the last 30 years. Right now the money comes primarily from server sales money. If there was demand for Linux on Desktop in the workplace, there would be tons of competing FOSS Group Policy implementations.
What about YaST?
I’ve seen YaST used at a distance and I think it’s up to the job of managing servers and headless systems but, seriously, it’s not even close to Group Policy. I not trying to sound dismissive of alternatives - I really do want a FOSS replacement - but it is hard to overstate how flexible and granular Group Policy is.
For what it’s worth, Ubuntu integrates ADsys, which allows for dconf updates through gpo templates. I’ve not heard anything on it for a while but the github repo was last updated 6 months ago
Wait, there’s something scrawled on the corner down here in crayon…
i’m lazy
Fusion 360
I’m so close to making the switch. I’m just a poor soul though who enjoys games with those annoying anti-cheats. Thinking about trying to do a duel boot just for those specific scenarios.
Thats what I have. I suggest you take 2 different drives. Makes your life a lot easier.
Yeah, windows does NOT like other systems on its drive, with separate drives it won’t steal boot
It sometimes will still decide to murder your boot manager.
That’s why my machine defaults to Linux and if I want windows I have to hold f11 on boot to load my motherboard’s boot selector and select my windows drive.
It’s not fancy like GRUB or anything, but I don’t interact with it much and it gets the job done.
I agree, dualboot is something you shouldn’t even attempt between linux and windows on the same drive. With some time, one, or both systems will totally break
Definitely duel boot. I always like to keep my options open.
duel boot
Lmao Linux and Windows sitting there like ⚔️ ⚔️ ⚔️
Fighting over the MBR.
I realized that after I hit post. Autocorrect is weird on some apps lol
Just a PSA, The Finals is playable on Linux and is F2P with a very reasonable monetization (cosmetic only with some free cosmetic options as well) and the new season just began.
For me it scratches that multiplayer itch because the destructible environments make matches feel very dynamic.
How it’s the community? I expect a good bit of toxicity with any online but if it’s not flooded with kids like fortnite I’d assume it’s not too bad.
And what about the mtx? Is it aggressive or annoying?
I would say the community is much better than what you would expect from Call of Duty or Destiny or anything looking to hit super mainstream. I think most toxic players won’t play the game because the game has a high effective TTK. The average encounter is around probably 1-2 seconds because you usually need to hit more than 5 shots and your opponent has enough time to react and use movement to make them a harder target to hit. The higher TTK may be a deal breaker, it was for a lot of people during launch, but I personally enjoy it.
I think the MTX is pretty mild. It’s all cosmetic so they don’t impact the core gameplay at all, which means if you don’t care about cosmetics your only interaction with the MTX is the little sale window on the top left of the main menu. You can earn some in game currency to buy cosmetics but because it’s F2P their only revenue streams are the battlepass (which again is also strictly cosmetic rewards or in game currency) and the cosmetic shop. Some things are only for real cash and they can look expensive (like $20 for a pack of cosmetic items) but they usually come with in game currencies so if you’re planning to use the in game currency as well that $20 usually drops to $7-$8 which for 2025 isn’t actually that much. I forgot to mention, the battlepass can be bought for the in game currency so what I’ve done is bought the $20 thingy and the use most of the in game currency to buy the battlepass.
Thank you for the informative and detailed response!
I think I was rambling a bit. I think the best course of action is to just give it a try because I think the gameplay is the biggest make or break for people. If you don’t enjoy the gameplay then it doesn’t matter if the game isn’t a toxic mess and not really predatory with the MTX.
I heard about it recently, I think someone said some of the devs from the earlier battlefield games made it. Or were part of the team or something
Yeah, Embark was founded by the former CEO of DICE so I imagine quite a lot of DICE talent moved to Embark.