I wonder how much effort are they willing to put into it. The original game is quite unique with its (flawed) gameplay and I’m afraid they just want to make an easy buck on nostalgia, so they’ll just slap a Kotor name on a generic tried and tested system that “works” and it won’t feel like Kotor. Then they might as well make a new game set in Old Republic era.
I think the game being set in Old Republic would be enough to get people interested and it wouldn’t need “Knights of the…” in the title to sell well. But that would require writing a completely new story
I wouldn’t mind it being an action game, so long it’s more tactical and not just a button masher. Or an RPG with Skyrim style combat.
I wonder how much effort are they willing to put into it. The original game is quite unique with its (flawed) gameplay and I’m afraid they just want to make an easy buck on nostalgia, so they’ll just slap a Kotor name on a generic tried and tested system that “works” and it won’t feel like Kotor. Then they might as well make a new game set in Old Republic era.
I think the game being set in Old Republic would be enough to get people interested and it wouldn’t need “Knights of the…” in the title to sell well. But that would require writing a completely new story