Hi there, new to lemmy. Just want to find out whether its fine to share from mastodon or other Fediverse services to lemmy?
As opposed to uploading the media directly into lemmy and not needing to open it in another app / browser?
I ask as I post photos on say pixelfed or mastodon or Friendica from a one-click-share-all app (croissant app)
But is it seen as bad to then just share the link with the said media into lemmy instead of posting it as an original post made and posted in lemmy?
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. :-)
You can inline post the image. For example, this image is not uploaded but hosted on join-lemmy.org:
This is how I inlined it:

Note: The text in the square brackets is optional alt text when hovering over the image. It helps people with screenreaders.
The only requirement is that it is a direct link to the image.
Thanks soo much! And so we learn. :-)
Thank you for being courteous and trying to keep up decorum.
This means soo much for me. Thank you for the kind words. :-)
I rarely go by links unless it is something technical and I need(!) this information. The last thing I want in my life is another 50MiB Web4.0 page with 2 paragraphs of text.
Oh okay, so for example, a link a post from pixelfed, is not ideal on lemmy then…? (Images/videos)
I’m lemmying here for a week only so I still do not know any nuances, but the idea is simple: I see information (text/image/etc) right through the client I use for Lemmy? If yes, then ok. If I see just a link… Well, then I see just a link.
I find that if its another Fediverse service like mastodon or pixelfed, that it tends to give a preview. And when clicked on it opens the respective app if you are using it.
I assume if you don’t have the app installed, it would just open a browser window inside of your lemmy client….?
Just not sure if it’s worth it for others to click on a link to see a photo or meme etc.
A link isn’t interesting by itself. It can provide context or example for a post. For me lemmy is like reddit, its for discussion. If you don’t write a post but just provide a link i will ignore it or downvote as that is just spam.
depends on the content, as well. an article needs a link, but i like it when the important part is quoted, so i don’t have to click the link to follow the comments.
memes/images should be postet directly. no one will follow a link to a site with an image even mastodon etc. post the image and add the source. same goes for “social” media posts. post the screenshot and a link to the source, so i don’t have to go to some nazi-site to get the information.