Not because of some just world fallacy, they were just fucking stupid to build their supposed “promised land” on top of people who were already there, and surrounded by more people that it pissed off.
Iran’s got a nuclear something for their ass sooner or later. Which will be WWIII, but Israel is Scrappy Doo, they’re not as big as they think they are, and they just keep pushing, they will be pushed back, because a shittier neighbor by actions there is none.
Iran is going to have nuclear weapons and destroy Israel? Meanwhile Israel has around 100 nukes. Yeah, keep dreaming. It will be mutually assured destruction in your dream world.
Nah, Karmas coming for them.
Not because of some just world fallacy, they were just fucking stupid to build their supposed “promised land” on top of people who were already there, and surrounded by more people that it pissed off.
Iran’s got a nuclear something for their ass sooner or later. Which will be WWIII, but Israel is Scrappy Doo, they’re not as big as they think they are, and they just keep pushing, they will be pushed back, because a shittier neighbor by actions there is none.
Iran is going to have nuclear weapons and destroy Israel? Meanwhile Israel has around 100 nukes. Yeah, keep dreaming. It will be mutually assured destruction in your dream world.
Don’t forget the wall of hidden conventional missiles Iran has pointed at the gulf states, probably starting with the desalination plants.