So, in front of our kitchen window, over 200 meters away, there’s this place where they keep buses when they’re not in use. A part of the building is a parking lot, for the bus drivers own cars.
And then there’s this fucker. Every evening they get into their car and turn on those horrible headlights that hurt my eyes, from 200+ meters away, which is very fun when the kitchen is dark. They’re so bright that if the curtains are open and it’s entirely dark inside, they illuminate the entire room.
I made an illustration of this:
Ha, reminded me of this old gem
Love this
I wish retro reflectors were as bright in person as they are in photos
Your drawing is incredible haha.
Get a nice large mirror.
I’m thinking parabolic
Yeah, just make sure the focal length is 200+ meters.
Thanks for the laugh and the illustration. Have you contacted the bus service?
Chances are that they don’t care/have no say in the headlights of a driver’s own car.
True but, I’d give it a try.