(Ok, but wouldn’t it be funny if this map was missing NZ too?)
This is not ok.
We aren’t ready to be the center of attention yet.
Then you shouldn’t have had such majestic wildlife and interesting culture
Wait, does this projection actually have slightly less overall landmass distortion (and slightly more ocean surface distortion) compared to the more popular ones?
Exactly what I expected! 😂
Thanks, I hate it a lot.
Perfect 👌
I see nothing, where nothing should be…
Panama always did look flimsy and bendable.
That is step-Panama & it’s stuck!
Middle earth
Excuse me, that’s centre stage
Most of the continents on the fringes of the map, so far far away. What a wonderful place to be with all the drama happening round the world
The Null Buoy has been given too much attention. Finally a place that’s populated at least.
Such Zeal!
This is more centered around Fiji tbh
That’s not Fiji…
It’s actually centred just off the coast of the southeastern corner of Australia
The biggest landmass nearest to the edge is Africa (+a slight margin for human pleasure) so it probably made sense to keep that one intact for the readability of the map (cutting Alaska and Canada isn’t actually that much km²).
Shhh, you’ll give away the true location of New Zealand.
It’s Tassie time!
How do you do this by accident? It would have cut off less of Alaska done properly, even.
But that would cut off more western Africa than the entire size of Alaska.