Maybe… Prions are a different beast altogether in terms of illness. Even the most terrifying forms take years to debilitate and kill you. I don’t think most countries want to wait that long to cripple an opponent, and definitely won’t want to unleash anything on a neighbor that will certainly come back at them. Right now the only thing that truly gets prions to be gone is incineration levels of heat.
So I don’t think biological warfare is going to be on the table. Maybe terrorist type attacks, where the asymmetrical nature of the opponents makes the user unconcerned about potential effects on themself.
Prion based pandemic is entirely possible.
I anticipate prions becoming a part of biological warfare in the coming years.
Maybe… Prions are a different beast altogether in terms of illness. Even the most terrifying forms take years to debilitate and kill you. I don’t think most countries want to wait that long to cripple an opponent, and definitely won’t want to unleash anything on a neighbor that will certainly come back at them. Right now the only thing that truly gets prions to be gone is incineration levels of heat.
So I don’t think biological warfare is going to be on the table. Maybe terrorist type attacks, where the asymmetrical nature of the opponents makes the user unconcerned about potential effects on themself.